
I just got my two snake bites like last month and boy them things hurted i could not eat anything hard or any

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I just got my two snake bites like last month and boy them things hurted i could not eat anything hard or any




  1. well its not a question...but neway that sounds painful but i love snake bites i think they look awsome!  so was it worth it?  :)

  2. umm...

  3. you just made me lol

    and say what the h**l?

  4. cool?

  5. Yes completely. Yup. Making A LOT of sense here.

  6. what are you talking about?

  7. thats a retarted thread and why on earth would you put it under reptiles

  8. um sorry? Lol i dont understand what the question is exactly? Your not making any sense.

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