
I just got my very first ipod but....

by  |  earlier

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you know how your suppose to have the lil ipod thing in the left side of itunes... to put your music on... i dont have or get that when i put my ipod in. i've tried all the usb plug ins... what do i do???

BTW this is my very first ipod.




  1. COOLIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    what color is yours?

    my brother named his ipod Bobaganoosh

    I named mine Crack.

  2. well i would go back and retured it for another

    i need help answer my question

  3. Make sure you are plugging it into a USB2.0 port. Make sure your iTunes is up to date, as well. You should be using iTunes 7.7.

  4. explain more

  5. Do you have a PC? Like Windows XP? There might be this little thing that pops up on the toolbar that says you have to install software or something. Just go though that and see if it works. I think it's something like that, I got my iPod in December.

  6. HUH??? the little thingy? what?

  7. depends on i pod model, etc, you my need to install drivers, my vista did it automatically, or reinstall itunes, if ll is installed should just pop up, does your ipod charge when connected?

  8. try closing itunes and replugging in your ipod. there should be an ipod registration window that comes up before you can do anything in itunes with your ipod also, so if you don't have a good internet connection, that may not have popped up yet, so itunes is not yet recognizing your ipod.

  9. Have you been living in a cave???

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