
I just got my wisdom teeth pulled out three days ago. Is it safe for me to start exercising again?

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I'm a big health freak, and the past three days have been hard since I love running and biking. I've been eating as healthy as possible, but I've still gained some wait. I'm going on vacation next weekend, and I want to get back in to shape as soon as possible. Is it safe for me to start exercising now, and what kind of work out would be best? I still get a little dizzy if I stand too long (they put me under anesthesia). Help?




  1. NO!

    I would say wait until they take out your stitches.

    If you are involved in regular exercise, be aware that your normal nourishment intake is reduced. Exercise may weaken you. If you get light headed, stop exercising.

  2. Well, when I had mine pulled, I was in cross country and didn't hesitate to get back into it. I waited maybe a couple days, three tops before I started running again. But I wasn't on any medication, so I would either wait or call my doctor. If you are getting dizzy just standing, it probably isn't healthy.

  3. no

    just dont

    i went through the same thing when my teeth were pulled out

    but my health was important to me so i just relaxed until i was finally ready

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