
I just got my wisdom tooth extracted?

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Quick, give me the rules of the healing process. How long can I eat? What could I eat? What should I avoid doing and etc. And how do I brush my teeth?

Thanks in advance!.




  1. my mum had her wisdom teeth extracted try not to chew to far up you're mouth and brush everywhere apart from were the tooth was you can eat a lot of things avoid pointy items that if get near wear wisdom tooth was could irritate like pointy crisps [sorry if u like crisps a lot]

    do this for 3 days and you're gum should be feeling a lot better also if you're gum is hearting a lot try putting the gel babies use when teething it makes the gum were you're tooth was go numb so you cant feel the pain As much hope i helped bye  

  2. If your mouth isn't that sore you can eat soft foods at anytime. I would try a small amount at first to make sure you aren't going to get sick. Continue eating soft foods for a few days for example: mashed potatoes, pudding, jello, soup. Brush your teeth like normal just be careful around the area that your wisdom tooth was extracted. If they gave you any type of rinse to use follow the directions on the bottle or go by whatever your Dr. told you to do. When I had mine taken out after a few days the stitches dissolved and there was a hole in my gums and I had to make sure to get any food out of it. I don't know how old you are or if you smoke or not but if you do smoke try your best not to smoke now. You could get a dry socket and that is so painful.

  3. I think they'll tell you at the hospital or dentist.  I had mine out mid-morning at a day hospital because they needed to be extracted under a general anaesthesia, was released late afternoon (4-5pm) and had a yucky night at home.  Next morning I was eating fairly normally, although dairy was 24 hours, no idea why though!

    I would suggest softer foods for a few days (or until your mouth feels okay) - scrambled eggs or mince or stewed fruit or the stereotypical jelly and ice-cream.  Leave the steak for a bit.

    Brush as per normal but be gentle around the extraction site.

    If you need to reduce swelling or such, a damp face washer put in the freezer is good (either wait til it's cold or frozen)

  4. I think it really depends on when you feel like you can eat.

    My brother was eating an hour after his surgery but I couldn't eat for about 6 hours.

    As for what you can eat... soft things. Applesauce. Jello. Pasta that's been chopped up in the blender. The blender will be your best friend.

    And don't try to get up and do a lot. The more you try and be active, the longer you'll take to heal.

    Do as little as possible.

    And if your gums are bleeding, you have to sleep so that the blood drools out. And you need to make sure you change the bandaging.

    I mostly just slept and took painkillers for a few days and then I felt fine. x3

  5. everything hex gilr said is right,you should not smoke drink alcohol drink and acidic drinks"soda,orange juice that kind of stuff. no strenious activity and more i just had two extracted and thats for 7 to 14 not eat right away that would not be good and call your dentist cause thats crazy they didnt give you guide lines good luck

  6. As the wisdom teeth are at the far extreme of each row of teeth I can't see any reason why you can't eat right away and just keep whatever you are chewing at the other side of your mouth. I am surprised that the oral surgeon did not give you post -operative instructions. if you have a problem call the oral surgeon's office for advice.

  7. Do you mean how long until you can eat...or how long until you can eat solid foods or eat normally?

    I just had my 4 wisdoms extracted on Tuesday (its early friday now for me)

    and I ate the night after the extractions...I could only eat applesauce and jello and things of that nature but I could eat....

    it's been about 3 days for me and I still can't eat solid food because my mouth hurts so bad...the solid food process depends on your healing

    Really, they should have given you information on your healing process at the dentist/hospital you went to to have them removed. To be safe (since all dentist have different things they like to require) I would call up the place where you had the extraction and ask them what the care information is.

    Also very warn to hot liquids or liquidy food is better to stay away from. The warmth could cause the blood clots in your sockets to loosen and come out resulting in a dry socket (which is very painful...basically means you can look into the socket and see the jaw bone)

    So try to stay away from hot soups and things like that, also the hot stuff can increase swelling

    Good foods to try are: Yogurt, mashed potatoes, cooled oatmeal, bananas, jello, pudding

    Also drink liquids high in nutrients such as vegetable and fruit juices

    Also you can apply a cold compress on your face (it's better to use gel compresses you can buy and put in the freezer for a bit to will leak out water and etc. and thats not good)

    If you do use a cold compress though leave it on for 10 mins then take it off for 5 and repeat as needed

    Don't smoke (breaks down blood clotting)

    Don't suck through a straw (can pull the clots out)

    Don't drink alcohol (it slows healing process)

    Don't spit (can remove clots)

    also they told me by day 3 (or the 2nd night)

    to start rinsing a bit with salt water

    Lukewarm (not hot or very warm) water with 1 teaspoon of salt in keeps the areas in your mouth clean

    very gently swish it in your mouth...then lean over the sink and let the water run out on its own (dont spit)

    And I was told I could brush my teeth just no toothpaste...water and the brush and thats all

    I'm getting all this info off a pamphlet they gave me at my dentist office btw

    Better safe than sorry =) and good luck on your healing process as well

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