
I just got new

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they feel a little weird like something soft keeps poking my upper cornea..and my eyes feel sticky..




  1. First off, have you previously worn contacts or is this the first time? Take them out and clean them. Let your eyes rest for a few hours, then try putting them back in. If they still feel weird, take them out and schedule an appointment with your Optometrist. It could really be anything... if you're a new wearer, a different brand of contacts, they could be in backwards, etc.

    Good luck!

  2. well if this is your first time wearing them then they will feel weird but you get use to it don't worry

    omg when i first got mine it took like an

    hour to put in lol but now it takes like 2 seconds  

  3. If it fells like they are putting a needle in your eye lid it could be that your contact is inside out. This happened to me when I was starting out.

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