
I just got new my guitar and im a new guitarist so what easy songs would u recommend for me to learn???

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my guitar is a gibson sg :D




  1. Gibson SG's are Awesome!!!

    You should learn some awesome licks and learn techniques to add to your playing and then try songs. trust me, knowing some basic techniques will help your ability to play better pieces of music.

    But everyones different,  but thats my input..

  2. After you get all the basics down (I'm assuming that you've never picked up a guitar before) try learning "In the End" by Linkin Park. It's a really easy song to play, and still quite popular. Or, if pop is your thing, try "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne. It has a simple use of chords, and a catchy rhythm.

    You could always go for something less mainstream, like "Vasoline" by Stone Temple Pilots, which is one of their earlier hits. Very easy song; sounds nice, feels nice.

    And don't shoot me for recommending these, but try "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. Easy verse, easy chorus, easy solo, easy outro. Basically, a well rounded song that's easy to remember and easy to play. And, if you want to annoy a certain breed of people, learn "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple. You won't regret it's use of power chords.

    And then, you'll probably want to step up to "Aerials", by System of a Down. It has a nice use of arpeggios and palm muting, two widely used techniques. In fact, it was the first song I leanrned when I started a couple of years ago. ^_^ Never put down my guitar since!

    By the way, nice axe; my first guitar was a FirstAct. :( Don't stop learning!

  3. I'm also a beginner and I learned Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles. It's sounds really good, and it's pretty easy.

  4. 311's "I'll Be Here A While" is pretty easy and fun to play.

  5. I would recommend you HIRE A TEACHER and LEARN THE BASICS before you start playing songs.

  6. Well, with that axe you're potentially walking down the path of the Grateful Dead or AC/DC. :D

    As for easy songs, not sure those bands would be where I'd start. Try to get some basic 12-bar blues down.  

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