
I just got of birth control. I want to have a baby, how long will it take me to get pregnant.?

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I am 21 year old and want to become pregnant with my husband




  1. Hi. When i came off the pill my doc informed me that b/c i had been on it for 13 years to be prepared to wait as long as 3 years. I got pregnant the month after so i just think it really depends on how fertile you are. Good luck :)

  2. I'm sorry but no one can tell you it could take weeks,months even years its just one of them things. Good luck and don't forget to start taking folic acid.

  3. Everyone is different so there is no right answer to this. The average time for someone in their twenties is about 6 months but some fall straight away and others (like me!) take over a year. It helps to keep track of your periods as your most fertile time is about 2 weeks from the first day of your period if you have a normal 28 day cycle so make sure you have lots of s*x around then!

  4. Sometimes women can take several mths before they start to ovulate have stopping their birth control.  Typically you could expect to become pregnant in about 6 months.

  5. My doctor told me it would take at least 6 months - I had a baby 9 months and 1 day after I stopped taking the pill!

    Everyone is different - if you don't get pregnant immediately, don't worry (because that could stop you getting pregnant!), you're very young and there's no rush. If you haven't got pregnant after a year to 18 months then go and see your doctor, but even then there could be nothing wrong - babies tend to choose there own time - good luck!


  6. I think its from 6-18 months i am not sure though...



  7. It usually takes at least 3 months for everything to get out of your i would say wait 3 months to try to get pregnant...although some bc's are out of your system quicker than that.  My doctor told me to wait 3 months just to make sure i would have three normal cycles before i started trying and i got pregnant within like 4 or 5 months with my first child...and i was 19 and had been on bc for 4 years...good luck and here's sending you baby dust*******....

  8. all depends on your luck - and nothing else !!

    my sister came off the pill and got pregnant in 2 months, whereas i have been trying for 15 months and was never on the pill.

    my sister even smoked and drinked regularly before getting pregnant whereas i never smoked and only had one drink a month maybe !!

    so just eat well, be active, live your life as you normally do, and hope it will happen soon

    good luck !

  9. A healthy coupld can take up to a year to get have a 20% chance of getting pregnant every should be off birth control for at least 3 months, and start taking folic acid now.

  10. It depends wat type of birth control u were on and for how long... The longer u were on birth control the longer it'll take for u to conceive.

  11. it all depends. i was only on the pill for 3months and it took me 6months to get pregnant,

    good luck

  12. it all depend on you how your body reacts and how long you was on it for

  13. hey well i was on the pill 4 nearly 10years and came off around sept thought it was never goin 2 happen every month nothin and then my last period was end of may found out am nearly 8weeks around pregnant.i was thinkin every month i think about it 2 much gettin a bit stressed and then last month didnt think about it and its happened goodluck it will happen

  14. It depends how long you have been on the pill for.  It can take up to 6 months for the body to get used to not being on the pill.

    My wife was told this as we are trying to conceive too.

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