
I just got out of a relationship and now I want to play is that common? I'm a good guy

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I just got out of a relationship. I truely loved the girl and she broke my heart out of her own selfishness. Now I keep saying that I want to play the field and have frivolous relationship and s*x with clean girls. Even though in my heart I know thats not the kind of person I am or what deep down I want whats going on?




  1. Yeah its normal, you just got out of a serious relationship and you got hurt and so your natural response it to just do whatever for a while because your free and you can. The only thing is doing that you will also just get hurt.

    My suggestion is to enjoy being single for a while go out on some casual dates, don't have frivolous relationships you will regret it. Best thing is just hang out with some of your buddies and enjoy the freedom. Take some time to heal and you will meet a nice girl in due time.

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