
I just got out of prison after 10 yr I'm lost i need advice obs i don't know what to do HELP i have a ?

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im not a bad person just made mistakes need a second chance




  1. First look for jobs that WILL hire you.  Don't expect too much too soon, this will take time.  First make sure your 100% honest about your charges.  It will take time to build up a good resume.  Start with low level jobs like telemarketing, fast food, etc.  Stay as long as you can to show that you have longevity.  Develop good relationships with your bosses and co-workers so you will have good references when you find a higher paying job.  Develop a good reputation to dispel any preconceived notion about you being in prison.

    Good luck...everyone makes mistakes and you absolutely deserve a second chance!

  2. everything takes time. I do not believe that all people are bad because thye go to jail. People make mistakes and turn out for the better. first you must find a job. Do not expect this to come right away. like i said it takes time. once you find a job that will hire you, make sure you do your best to be ontime and provide the best work ethic for them to build trust with you. even if you are not making much, its still something. at least you will be putting forth the effort. once you have that, everything else will fall into place. also do not let others influence you ont he wrong path. stay sober and do exactly what it is you are supposed to, that way you will be headed down the right path.and maybe find a good friend to confide in. you know someone that will listen to you when you angry or frustrated and feel like giving up on yourself. someone that wont judge you and will give you good advice to follow. good luck!

  3. Most prisons have a yellow ribbon project where they help former inmates find jobs or arrange for them to take up a course in something helpful, like woodwork, or electrical work, or painting, etc. Besides this, there should be support groups too. Seek them out and share your experiences and listen. You may not find your dream job instantly but try to start somewhere, no matter how small. You'll feel good about yourself. Everyone deserves a 2nd chance. All the best to you.

  4. Go get a haircut, get a job and start going to community college.  The only way to feel like you have accomplished something in life is to get a job that you could foreseee yourself retiriing at.  

  5. If you are truly not a bad person then someone will give you that second chance you deserve.

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