
I just got out of the hospital and couldn't breastfeed for a while due to meds how do I get back to it?

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I have tried pumping my milk but now I have less and less and I dont have enough to fill my son up during feedings so I have to end up giving him formula. I want to breastfeed exclusivly should I just stop the formula and force him to only breastfeed so I can get my supply back b.c the breastpump isnt working?




  1. Breastfeeding is supply and demand.  What your son needs your body will make.  I asked my mom about this yesterday (she nursed 5 kids)  She said that any time she was trying to increase her milk supply she'd nurse as often as possible.  She said she noticed that within 2 days her body was making what her baby needed.  You're right, if you want to breastfeed exclusively you'll have to stop with the bottle and fee every hour or 2 hours during the day until your milk supply is up.  It's not going to be easy, but you can do it!

  2. You have to breastfeed to boost your milk supply. I went through this with both of my daughters, I couldn't get them to latch on and I was pumping but it wasn't adequate enough to stimulate milk supply and I ended up drying out and never did get them to latch on. I think in your situation if you can breastfeed you should have no problem getting your body back to par and making enough milk for your little one. The more your baby suckles the more milk you will produce.  

  3. I couldn't after I got out of hte hospital but that was because I was on steroids for about a month. At that point my body didn't make the milk anymore.

    Ask you doctor about it.

  4. Are you still on medication now?  If not, try to feed direct, its better stimulation.  When breastfeeding, do it in a relaxed environment.  When mum is relaxed, the supply is better.  Diet is also very important.  Take in more fluids.

    However if you are still on medication, continue to express milk.

  5. I think you can increase your supply by using the pump more often but I would not make such a big deal out of just breastfeeding exclusively.

    Some babies need the extra nutrition from the formula. You could also see if there is a breastfeeding support group in your local are and they could give you more support.. My dd did both the breast and supplemented feedings with formula.  

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