
I just got punched in the face my nose wont stop bleeding any suggestions

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help im bleeding




  1. how long have you been bleeding? a normal nosebleed should stop on its own within a half an hour. just hole your head in a normal position, or lean forward a bit. do not hold your head tilted backwards- that can cause the blood to collect, and possible run down your throat. if it isn't stopping, maybe you have a broken nose,or something- if it is pouring blood for a long time, i would go to the hospital, but if not, and you get it under control, don't worry too much. this wasn't an assault was it? or spousal abuse? then call the police.

  2. You need to pinch and sit forward. Do not put your head back.  It will pool in your throat and taste nasty.

    If after and hour it does not stop you need to go to the hospital.

  3. Go see doctor

  4. dUdzs answer is good.

    One additional suggestion - next time, duck!!

  5. Stop getting punched in the face.  

  6. sit down with your head back as far as your neck allows. Pinch your nose right under where your bone stops. This will stop the immediate flow and hopefully create a clot. I normally hold it for a few minutes, probably three. Make sure your nose is above your heart in height, as it will slow the blood flow.

    If it doesn't stop within a few minutes, you should get help, as losing too much blood can be very dangerous.  

  7. Grab a tissue and fold it in half, place it under your nose covering your nostrils and hold it there. Do not tilt your head back at all. The key is to help the blood flow make a clot, so it won't continue to bleed, but you're nose might be broken so you should really call the ambulance.

    Or atleast have someone take a look at it for you.

  8. put a tampon up your nose..joke

    keep pressure on your nose with tissues or bangages

    ice the back of your neck and forehead

    drink fluids, coz your losing lots out your nose

    if the bleeding doesnt stop within 30 minutes you should probaly go to the emergency docter

  9. Use bandages to stop this bleeding or It is better to go to your doctor who will give you a good advice.

  10. Things You’ll Need:

        * ice

        * cotton wool

        * iron tablets

        * antibiotic ointment

        * humidifier


    The key is to try and stop the nosebleed as quickly as possible. First , sit the person down on a chair and don't tilt the head back or lie the person down on the back because these positions will cause the blood to flow back into the throat or nasal passages and the person will be at risk of choking or regurgitation by having to swallow copious amounts of blood. 1


    Apply pressure with the thumb and index finger to the fleshy soft area near the top of the nose and squeeze firmly. Hold this position for a few minutes ( 6 minutes) and release. if the bleeding continues then repeat the process again. The nose bleed should have had enough time for the blood to clot and stop the bleed, If the bleed still continues after 10-15 minutes then take the person to the ER or doctor to seek medical attention.


    Using an ice pack will also help to stop the nose bleed because the cold temperature will cause the capillaries around the nose to constrict and reduce the blood flow to that area. Wrap some ice cubes in a cloth and place it on the bridge of the nose region for several minutes. Repeat this several times until the nose bleed has subsided.

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