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is there anything i can do (besides tylenol ibprofin etc) that i can do to make the pain less... uhh... painful?=[]
i got 11 spacers ,youll do fine
Report (0) (0) | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago
i have a total of 8 spacers! they hurt my feelings cuz i cant eat king taco):
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I have 10 spacers on my teeth right now. They hurt soo bad, but if you just dont bite down and kind of just let your mouth be open, its not as bad. It is pretty bad still, but im hoping it wont be as bad when i get the actual braces.. oh and no pain releivers work for me, only sleep did.
I have spacers on right now... O_o....lets just say they hurt....
TIP: My orthdontist said gargle with some warm salt water(haven't tried yet).
my frickn teeth are so sore... i miss cereal so much :'(
I have eight in my mouth right now!!! I've only had them in for 5 hours, but they're hurting like a b**ch!!! All I've had to eat since then were some frozen blueberries to numb my mouth.. 7 more days of this???? what!?!?!
i am in so much pain and my ears sore.. hm that normal?
OW OW OW! I have spacers too!!! They hurt so bad!!!! I only have to have them on for a week and i am on my second day! EEK. One of mine "fell" out last night and I put it back in myself by using some floss. >O< kinda like that <--- and just flossed it back in! OW!!!
im scared im getting spacers again but i still have braces im going through this s**t twice?!
i have spacers and braces on right now they hurt so bad. Having spacers with braces is a lot worse than getting braces.
At first I just got the braces at the top, and the spacers weren't that bad, but I just got the spacers for my bottom teeth today and they hurt like h**l. I think it really depends on how bad your teeth are because my bottom teeth are pretty badd, I don't think braces hurt quite as bad though. :P
i just got my spacers yesterday(8) and they are painful i couldnt even eat my lunch in school
so im gonna take some advil hopefully the pain will go down
I got 8 in this morning, all on the top. They hurt SO BAD.
I cannot wait until this week is over. The I'm getting appliance. :/
It HAS to be better than this though.
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I have eight spacers at the moment, and when I first got them they hurt like crazy, but now, (my fourth day having spacers) I can honestly say the pain is getting better. For the pain, I recomend using a pain medicine such as Advil, and, of course, only eat softer things while they are in. But note, do not put a hot pack on your teeth. It may make your jawbones feel a little better, one of the main reasons you're hurting is because your gums are swelling, and heat will actually make that worse. Just put Orajel or a numming creme like that on your teeth and hang in there, just remind yourself that most people had to go throught this also.
Best of Luck,
to all the people who are freaking o ut because of the spacers.
I have had mine in for 4 weeks now.
yeah. they hurt the first few days but its not that bad.
and if you take them out, you'll just have to get them put back in and that ALOT worse.
just take advil and you'll be fine.
i have four spacers in mouth 2 on the left and 2 on the right and they only hurt for 20 min when i first got them and they never hurt after that but it's hard to eat because for one thing your not sure if there food stuck in your teeth or it's just the spacers and i get worried i might accidently pull them out when i eat something :( .
I just got four spacers :( <br /> Two on each top side! They are KILLING ME!
Next week braces... :(
i have braces AND 2 spacers right now i just got my spacers yesterday i got them bc i need a expander they hurt alot uummm rinse your mouth with warm water that helps a bit and tea works too if your allowed to drink tea hope i helped = )
Latest activity: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago. This question has 67 answers.