
I just got summoned to jury duty but can't get a babysitter.?

by  |  earlier

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I just got summoned for jury duty. The problem is I have 3 young children (ages 6, 3, and 1). I am a stay at home mother and my husband's job is the only source of income. So, I honestly do not have a babysitter and I honestly cannot afford to get one. I have no relatives or friends living close to me either. Someone would have to watch the 2 little kids and would have to be here to meet the school bus. Here, in Kentucky, the courts only pay $12.50 a day to serve on jury duty so that's hardly any money to put gas in the car let alone pay for childcare for 3 kids. You don't get the pay until it's over. And, here, jury duty can last for MONTHS (I've had family and friends serve so I know). They make you serve 30-60 days total and it can take a long time to get those days in.

I filled out the forms saying why I couldn't do it and asked to be excused but this is a common excuse I've read. Do you think I will be excused? I hope so, otherwise, I'll have to take the kids with me




  1. In Australia if you have young children you do not have to do jury duty.

    Sounds like the same in USA by the other  answers.

    I wouldn't worry if it's a common excuse, your in that situation

    so just let them know.

    Don't stress

  2. Your kids is a legal excuse, because of their age.  You can not take the kids with you, and it would probably make a few officials mad if you tried to do this.

  3. you can ask the judge if you can please be excused from this as you only have one income (your husbands) and you are the carer of your children and have no family nor day care to take your children to to be minded....

    he will let you off for this...



  4. yeah u will definatly be excused.. my mum was summoned for jury and she didnt have to go becasue of me and my sister and she wasnt in as bad of a situation as you with no baby sitters.. it wont matter if its a common excuse becasue it is actually an excuse that is allowed so that you can et excused.. the only thing that might happen is that they ask for proof but this will proberly be unlikey but in your case wont matter becasue your problem is legitamite

  5. If you are the primary care giver for young children, you will be excused, at least that is true in San Jose.

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