
I just got the birth control Mirena last Wednesday...?

by  |  earlier

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I am still having bleeding and cramping also a sharp pain in my left side sometimes. Is this normal? I would be interested in pro and against Mirena and your experiences! Thanks so much!




  1. I had the mirena for a couple of months this past winter...i had the same problems you have....i bled and cramped for three months...after three months of this i couldnt handle it anymore so i had my doc take it out...So i say give it a couple more weeks and see whats goin on then....because you havent had it in long enough to tell if theres a real prob or jus side effects...

  2. hi there, i too had the marina fitted bout 2 months ago, and since get bad ad pains, tender b*****s, moody and tired, its not worth it I'm having mine removed, also heard it adds to weight gain,

    cant think of any pro's  

    good luck


  3. i have my last tuesday, and ihaven'tt had cramping or anything just a lil spotting, but is normal that you have thissymptomss my doctor told me that i was going to have thesymptomss you do

  4. I just had mine inserted last Friday. Be aware that different medications (including birth control) effect different people differently. Some will have the worst of the symptoms and some will have no problem with this. However, refer to the Mirena website and to the pamphlets your doctor should have given you.

    It's normal for you to experience cramping, bleeding, and back aches.

    My bleeding has stopped actually but the cramping and back aches are still there. If the pain is too much, I suggest telling your doctor and they should prescribe your some pain medicine. You wouldn't want to take it out so early... because these symptoms are supposed to be normal. And they could last weeks to months. Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor about any questions or concerns... It's very important to your health.

  5. I got the Mirena in January. I have decidet to let my doctor take it out. I have no more regular periods at all. i am constantly in pain and my s*x live got lost on the way because its just too painfull. Dont get me wrong it sounded very good when i got infos on the Mirena but now i know its been a very big mistake for me. Hope you dont have too many problems with it. Good luck!!

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