
I just got this AVID paper and I read it and stuff ...(please read)?!?!?

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i think its like a great program but i dont want to lose my electives my parents r tell me to take it but i dont really want to. they dont really understand me. if they see something great my make me do it (well not like force but telling me stuff n blah to make me guilty if i dont do it) n they say ill regret it if i dont take it. i really want my electives to like have a little fun during the day. so should i take it (im gonna say no but u can answer this to "convince" me) what is a good way to say no that makes them understand how i feel right now please help?!?! it would mean the world to me




  1. Mom, Dad, I am __ years old. i need to start making some decisions for myself. I may not make the choice you like. I may make a mistake, but people learn from their mistakes. I need to grow up and be able to take think for myself. Please let me make decisions that are not physically harmful to me or anyone else. I need to start making choices now, so when I go to college, or I start living on my own , I will not make too many serious mistakes because I never learned to think for myself.

  2. How many electives are you allowed to take?  What grade will you be in?  How many  more years in HS? (I'm assuming you're in HS?)

    You could say to them, "I have read the material you've given me, and the AVID class does look like something that would be helpful to any student.  Truthfully, though, I have other classes that I'm required to take, and I would so appreciate it if you would take my thoughts into perspective, also.  I would really like to be able to take some classes that appeal to me for electives.  Having read the material, I'm making an informed decision - I'm not just having a knee-jerk reaction."

    You didn't mention how well you were doing in your core classes - Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies?  

    I am familiar with the AVID classes, and they truly ARE a helpful resource.  While I do understand your perspective completely (I remember thinking the same things!!), be honest with yourself when you consider your choices.  If you are allowed to take more than one elective, what harm could there be in compromising and taking AVID for one and something else for the other?  

    If you are not in your last year of HS, you will have the opportunity to choose other electives in the future.  Maybe suggest to your parents this comproomise:  If I take and put forth good effort in AVID next semester (year, whatever), will you promise that I can choose an elective of my own selection the next time?

  3. Tell them, kids grow up way too fast. I want to enjoy these precious years and I want to enjoy my school year. I can wait until college to figure my life out and to get ahead. Right, now I want to have fun being youn and me! After highschool I am off into the real world, of college, career, and life!

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