
I just got turned down for term life insurance. I am 41 years old and am wondering what I can do.?

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The reason i was turned down was I am borderline diabetic. I am concerned for my family if something was to happen to me. What can I do to get some kind of insurance to make sure the bills I have racked up such as home ownership are paid in case of my untimely demise? Now that life insurance has been declined?




  1. There are other policies out there that you may be approved for. Talk to your agent to see if they have any other options for you. Otherwise, if you do want to get a life insurance policy -- there are many companies that offer a guaranteed issue policy. They ask no health questions.... but they do tend to run high in premium and low in benefit amount.

    Otherwise, you should talk to someone about just setting aside some money. Sometimes life insurance premiums can be so high that it's not even worth it to purchase the policy.

  2. Don't eat any sugar or starches for 3 months, lose some weight, then go to your doctor and have a blood test done specifically checking for the A1C level.  It should be below 6 to be normal.  You would then qualify for a life insurance policy.

  3. I'm borderline diabetic too..but guess what-got my ALC down to normal's consistent at levels of not being diabetic---either that-or everyone else in the world is borderline diabetic too.

    I don't drink pop anymore-it's water all the way..fresh veggies-a banana and 2 apples--maybe toast with peanut butter on it for breakfast--oh--sprinkle cinnamon on it--the peanut butter will keep it from falling off-its good-and Cinnamon lowers blood sugar...get a glucometer-and keep track of your sugar-exercise a bit-and you got it. Ta-da.

    it's remarkable-I lost weight-not even trying--ha-I even made people mad because I did it not even trying--but-just ate right-like we were supposed to all along. Who knew. You see--

    Fear is a remarkable incentive.

    Oh-eating right isn't having a beer or two..I stick to water. But you get used to it--Sugar is an addiction-break the addiction-and you don't crave it anymore..I take my one a day multiple vitamins-fish oil tabs-calcium-done(but eat your toast with peanut butter when you do--keeps you from getting urpy) It becomes balance..and I want to win. I like my eyes and my legs.Walking is not over rated.

    Your insulin isn't working for you as well so your body is learning not to process sugar the same way. Instead of turning into fuel & passing through-it just ..stays-...It's like  Monopoly-we can't pass go-and have to apply fat directly... So-we put on weight--since we can't process sugar-we stay hungry and want more chips..something to drink because it's -more sugar-and we  get fat. While we're actually starving because we have no fuel--it becomes a vicious circle..and we loose.

    Think maybe it's all a marketing scam to get us to buy more pop/beer and chips? Maybe--but it works doesn't it-we get fat and buy more carbs,beer & pop..

    Sometimes Dr's don't explain it right to us..We aren't making ourselves diabetic--we become diabetic if we are predisposed to it-perhaps through our parents and grandparents.

    You have to break the sugar addiction-so you can get your A1C down...once you break that hurdle-it's just amazing how good you feel--you have so much more energy-and suprise-you look good too--and younger. Cool.

    Another side effect--you lower chloresteral-your heart gets healthy..handy because circulation is effected by the sugar/insulin problem--which (simplified) is why diabetics get so many infections..and why so many diabetics  eventually have to have a limb amputated-or loose their sight...Everything is related..and overlaps--you take care of one thing-it fixes another thing. Far out.

    But because so many people don't manage breaking this cycle-you got declined for life insurance..If you work on it...lower your A1C-and keep it down consistently-and you may get it back.

    But talk to your doctor.There's new findings about lowering A1C. Yo may want to monitor it carefully..nd not take it so drastically with out asking. I will tell you--it's worked for me.

    I included a useful link..I've noticed most Dr's like it and use it-and most of them are listed on it if you want to find a doc. And there are support group for almost every illnesses you can imagine-and places to ask questions. Go for it! You'll lengthen and raise the quality of your life-protect your heart-protect your sight-and your legs and feet-as opposed to the people who waddle into those all you can eat Buffet's!!

    Good luck!

  4. The only reason being borderline diabetic might be a decline is if the company is bad about accepting insulin resistant risks, if your condition was recently diagnosed, or you do not have it under strict control.  

    Type II diabetes at 41 is a little young from an underwriting perspective, and they would generally want to see that you have good follow-ups and a1c below 6.5 or so with no other co-mortal factors.  Consistency is more important in an underwriter's eyes than getting one low score.  Ask your agent to shop your case around on an "informal" basis to find one that is willing to make a good offer.  If they cannot do this because they are captive or inexperienced, find a new agent.

    Remember that the medical community and underwriting community do not always see eye to eye.  You doctor may not recommend aggressive treatment while an underwriter would prefer the increased control you might have.  It's up to you to decide how to act.

  5. Speak with a broker. A broker works with several companies and can determine who would cover you and what the best price would be. It will save you tons of time in research. To find a broker in your area, log onto a website like and fill out a form requesting a free quote.

  6. Talk to an estate planner about setting up a trust.

  7. Don't give up on life insurance. You can be declined by one company, and then be underwritten favorably by another company.  You need a knowledgeable and independent broker.  I recommend you search the Internet with these keywords:


    Good luck!

  8. You should be able to find a policy that will be approved.  

    It would be a good idea to get quotes and information from an agent in your local area.  You can do that easily by filling out a form at  A local agent will help you figure it all out.  I hope that helps!

    Jared Balis

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