i never knew i had it but i think the trials helped astigmatism. the brand is purevision i think. so after many tries i finally got them in, they were all moist and cleaned and everything so i knew that after a few minutes or whatever they would settle down and not be so irratible. so i had them in for like about 5 or 6 hours but they were uncomfortable. they'd go from clear to blurry to clear again and everytime i moved my eyes i can feel them and everything. my eyes were also like dry and no matter how much of that solution thing i would put in my eye, it would always help for a minute or two and go back to how it was. is this normal and do i still have to get used to them??? like in a week or two, should i not feel it anymore??? are they too big or something because i was going to call the doctor again but i just wanted to see if is deal-able-with. by the way im 14 going on 15. thanx.