
I just grabbed a beer ourt of the fridge...?

by  |  earlier

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And drank it, then i felt a little light headed.I looked at the bottle and then saw that it was alcohol free! Does this mean that the feeling of "drunkenness" is somewhat psychological?




  1. If you look closely at the label of non-alcholic beers, you will find that most of them do indeed contain a small amount of alcohol.

  2. Non alcoholic beer is actually low alcohol beer and contains around .5 percent alcohol as opposed to 5% (budweiser)

  3. You cant get drunk off one beer anyway, alcoholic or not.

    Its just your mind lying to you.. because you drank a so called "beer"

    How old are you?

  4. Yes.

    Someone actually did an experiment where they gave a bunch of college kids a keg of nonalcoholic beer.  After a few drinks they started staggering around and acting like jackasses.  If you think you're drunk, you'll start acting drunk.

  5. Maybe you drank it too fast.. ran out of you lightheaded...

  6. Yes

  7. It didn't say anything about being THC free...

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