
I just had 4 teeth removed and i'm hungry but i'm still bleeding

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the dentist gave me those cotton things to put in my mouth to absorb the blood but i'm really hungry and there's a lot of bleeding in my mouth. i haven't ate anything since the morning because i was running a little late for my appointment what can i do?

also how long before the bleeding eases down? it's been 2hrs. so far




  1. Did you try rinsing your mouth with water? Every time I bleed, I just hold some water in my mouth and that kinda stops or makes me bleed less.

    Also, even if it is bleeding, maybe you can drink a smoothie or something that wont require biting. It may be a lil iron tasting cause of the blood but if I was really hungry, I wouldnt mind.  

  2. I recently got my bicuspids taken out. Just keep biting on those thingys, and drink milk or another heavy drink if it still hurts.

  3. Try placing a moist tea bag on the extraction site and biting down on it for 20 minutes. Don't rinse for the next 24 hours. It's best to only eat something light once the bleeding stops.  

  4. Did you dentist recommend eating cold things? When I had my wisdom teeth taken out I was told to eat soup for a while, then to eat ice ream and cold things when my mouth opened.

    I'd recommend giving the dentist's secretary a call. If they are closed because its a weekend, try eating something at room temperature (as long as your mouth isn't sensitive, mash it up and eat it...

    Bread and water usually works.

  5. Try biting on a moist tea bag, that will help the sockets clot.  You can eat even if your bleeding, just as long as you are no longer numb.  If you get food in the sockets, leave it alone because if you pick it out, you may get a dry socket.  Usually when it feels like you have food in the hole, that is actually the clot, and picking it out will lead to a dry socket, which is very painful.

  6. I had two baby teeth removed and they bled until I went to sleep. But I still ate. Keep the gauze in your mouth when you arent eating but be careful not to pull it out too fast or hard because it could dislodge the blood clot that is forming and that would mean two things- 1). More bleeding, and 2). A possible dry socket. So be super careful.

    DONT drink out of a straw under any circumstances tonight or tomorrow. If you really want something to eat, try- A smoothie or milkshake, (just dont use a straw) ice cream, pudding, jello, Chef Boyardee, Mac N Cheese, applesauce, or mashed potatoes. Dont eat anything crunchy. You'll be on a soft food diet for a few days.

    When you go to sleep tonight, put a towel down on your pillow because during the night if you drool blood will probably come out on to your bed. It happened to me, but luckily I had a towel down the first night just incase. Its a pretty smart idea.

    Also if you feel any pain tonight take a painkiller but do NOT take aspirin because that is also a blood thinner and that will make you bleed more. You may not even feel pain, I personally did not need any pain killers at all.

    Good luck- and the bleeding should stop by tomorrow. If you have any more questions, be sure to call your dentist.

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