
I just had 4 teeth removed...?

by  |  earlier

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My bicuspids to be exact.

However, that was around 11:30. The holes still haven't stopped bleeding, and I'm almost out of gauze...

Should I be worried?




  1. call your dentist

  2. The holes might not stop bleeding until the night. When I had four teeth removed mine bled for over 9 hours. When you are able to gargle (depending on what your doctor told you) gargle out a little bit. Then keep some gauze in your mouth and lay down it helps keep the bleeding to a minimum.

    Good luck in your recovery.


  3. The amount of bleeding depends on the individual so I wouldn't worry yet. Try using cotton balls to try and stop the bleeding for now. Before putting a new set in, gargle a warm saline solution. This will help with the healing process.

    Put 2-3 tablespoons of table salt into glass of water and microwave for about a minute. Gargle, do not swallow, for about 5 minutes and replace the cotton balls. Repeat as necessary.

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