
I just had GB surgery last wednesday.. I have 21 staples and 2 stitches and 4 holes.. the biggest being naval?

by Guest55866  |  earlier

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Why was I in such pain after ?? and why 21 staples ?? I am still swollen and look like I have a hurnia right under my ribbs middle of my tummy.

I wasn't treated very well at all by the surgen.. why?




  1. Did they start laparoscopically and have to open?  Sometimes that happens, if the surgery cannot be done through the scope.  Open GB surgery is much more painful than lap GB, but sometimes it cannot be avoided. If you look at your surgical consent, it undoubtedly says "lap cholecystectomy, possible open".  There is always the possibility of opening.

    As for why your surgeon didn't treat you well... some of them are just jerks.  I work with hundreds of surgeons - most are relatively pleasant, but some are downright nasty.  If you're unhappy, write a letter to the hospital.

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