
I just had a baby and she is a major screamer...

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Well I just had my baby 3 1/2 weeks ago. I love her to death but being a new mom I have no idea how to get her to stop the screaming. Everytime I feed her she eats well for the first half then starts shaking her head no and not letting me feed her while she screams and cries. Then when she does finally get the bottle she stops for a second then spits it out and starts up the screaming again. I know babies are supposed to cry and scream but this happens everytime I feed her. Her diaper is not wet either and she burps and then wants to eat again. But still after burping does the screaming again. Someone told me it sounded like colicing but I don't know what that is. Does anyone have some tips on how to calm her down and get her to stop?




  1. My daughter did that too for a while, and I used to get so upset I'd cry with her!!

    If it is colic, my doctor told me there's really too much you can do and it has to start at approx. 3 weeks of age, last for 3 hours or more a day, 3 or more days a week. If that is the case try feeding her in a more upright position so she swallows less air and maybe try this bottle to feed her it's made by the brand Dr. Brown's, it's supposed to reduce colic. Also, try feeding her and then taking a break every couple minutes to burp her and it might relieve any excess air in her stomach and ease her crying.

    For the most part though whenever she cries try to not get upset and stay as calm as possible and maybe get up and walk around with her and just hold her and try to comfort her. I also heard if you turn on the dryer and put your baby in the carseat and put it on the dryer it will calm them, just don't do that if your dryer shakes excessively. You might have to deal with it for the next couple months, because if it is colic it will last until about 3 or 4 months of age. Just whatever you do remain calm because she can sense if you are upset or angry and that will only make her cry worse.

  2. 1. try to burp her BEFORE the feeding. Sometimes an air bubble can cause pain while they are eating.

    2. find out if the formula you are using is upsetting her stomach. Sometimes the formula you use can cause an allergy over time and not right away. Talk to the dr before switching formulas - switching can be very difficult on a babies tummy.

    3. if you are feeding breastmilk, cut out dairy for a few weeks and see what she does. It takes 7- 10 days for milk to get out of your system.

    4. try "gripe water" made by little tummies. It works sometimes for me when my baby is crying and I dont know why. You put a little in her bottle.

    5. Make sure the bottles you are using do not let air in. Try to feed her so that the nipple has no air in it at all. Its very easy for a baby to take in air when they are bottle fed. Get new bottles if you need to.

    Good Luck Mama

  3. Colic is a term throw around to explain a lot of crying... Most of the time it is associated with gas (which in this case it makes sense considering the burp issue).

    There a several differen approaches to deal with gas...

    Try a new bottle. Each baby is different. Try a brand like Dr. Brown or Avent or maybe the bag bottles. All of these prevent air from getting into the milk and your baby's tummy. It may take some time to find the perfect bottle for YOUR baby.

    You might need to talk to your doctor and see if you need to try a different formula. My baby only drank the isomil in a can (the powder mix upset her). But make sure you contact your doctor if you go this route.

    As far as calming your baby try these S's...

    These will help you recreate the life your baby was used to for 9 months!

    Swaddle (your baby is used to being confined so it will like to be tightly wrapped)

    Shoosh (any "white noise" sound works... static on radio, vaccum blow dryer...)

    Sway (Don't SHAKE... but gently sway your baby back and forth)

    Side (hold your baby on its side while you rock him)

    Suck (try the passy!! they suck naturally and it calms them)

    and NEVER be afraid to ask someone for help! Even the best moms need a break! GOOD LUCK!

  4. I would say that sounds exactly like the Acid Reflux symptoms that my daughter had, we had to switch her food and take her to the pediatrician for a Reflux medicine.  I suggest going to the pediatrician, because when medicated, it's not such a problem.  It's completely awful though, we could barely handle how much pain she was in...

  5. Are you breast of formula feeding? She may be getting gas bubbles that hurt when she's eating. Try feeding her a bit, burping her, feeding her more, burping, etc. to see if the trouble is gas in her tummy. She may also be sensitive to the formula you are giving her, and you may need to change. Gas drops are helpful too. In my experience, reflux is associated with vomiting the food up, not so much just crying. Best to you and baby.  

  6. My first son was a constant screamer/crier and it was because he couldn't break down the food in his stomach so I had to put him on nutramigen.. not sure on the spelling. But it is an extremely broken down formula... that helped.  He also had to burp ALOT and it was very hard to get him to do so.  I would call your pediatrician and ask them about it.  That formula I mentioned earlier is for colic babies.  My son ended up being colic by the way.

  7. that sounds like reflux to me. It is not normal and you should take her to the doctor that can be dangerous. It's not your fault i'm sure your a good mother.

  8. Sounds like reflux or she is having trouble with the formula you might contact you doctor to help with this.

  9. Most likely she is not shaking her head 'no'. She is a bit young for that, she is probably avoiding the bottle.

    It does sound like colic, but you should contact her Pediatrician to be sure. You can buy Mylo-con (not sure of the spelling) drops that will help if that is the problem. It was a life saver for me and my little one.

    Her system may not be adjusting to the formula that you have her on. It may need to be changed. Please have her checked before making any changes to her diet.

    If it is colic and she is screaming do not lay her down, it will cause acid reflux and make her more miserable.

    As for you, be the good MOM you are and remember patience. I know this is as hard on you as it is her. It is tough when you have tried all you can think of and your little one is not satisfied. Hang in their, it will get better. Please share the outcome with us. I'll be thinking of you.

  10. Awe honey that sounds terrible and has to be stressful on you. If you don't think she is experiencing gas spells, then I would definitely check out this site for colic.

    This site has some really good information. If this still doesn't resolve the problem, I would schedule a doctor's appointment for your baby.

    Also if you have any further concerns in the future check out my site sometime if you like. Good Luck!

  11. sounds like colic and or reflux... and that is because she's drinking cow's milk formula.  Get her on goat milk and enzymes.

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