
I just had a baby is it normal to feel this way?

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I just had a beautiful baby boy on 8/8/08, and am feeling not so pretty, and like I'm not worth while I don't know what to think of myself anymore I feel like I'm not worth anything anymore like h**l I don't know anymore... I feel sad most of the time & like nothing I do is right... I mean I go in for my 2wk check up on thursday and plan to ask my doc if it's post partum or not but was wanting to know sooner and this is the closest thing I can get to an answer before seeing my doc without having to play 20 questions..... so is it just postpartum stuff or should I be talking to my doctor about depression meds? what do you think?

thanks for any advice




  1. yes... hun thats post partum. i would def talk to ur doctor. u dont want it getting worse. i have suffered from depression my whole life n after having my baby i was 100% fine which shocked me/// well now just shy of 4 months old daughter i just feel like i got hit by a mack truck n feel depressed... part bc of my newborn part because my husband deployed 8 weeks ago... i was jus dianosed with post partum. they gave me zoloft..... its ok... i take it as needed.....

    best of luck hun

  2. It's common.  It's probably just post partum.  If it doesn't go away after a bit longer you should talk to him but it may go away without the meds, and that would be better.  Focus on your baby.  Enjoy it and know that to him you are his beautiful mother and that you belong to him.  He looks at you every day and you are going to be on his mind and in his thoughts even now, so try to be cheerful, and think positively!  He adores you, you should too!

    You ARE beautiful, by the way.  

  3. This is probably post partum but that needs to be discussed with your doctor anyway. Post partum CAN become serious and is caused mainly by the change in all those hormones. Do tell your doctor about how you are feeling and good on you for asking advice, many don't.

  4. Just wait  and see do not worry at all

    It is normal

  5. hey darl my names tegan i no how you r feeling im going throught he same thing it is baby blues and its ok to feel the way you do ure not a bad person for feeling that way you need to get some help from you maternal child health nurse i ahve a 2yr old and a 7month old and im still going through it with my 7month old so its ok to feel like that if u need some one to talk to just email me ok cheers tegan

  6. I hear what you're saying, and I think how you feel is more common than one might think. It is maybe post-natal blues. Keep your appointment and see your Doctor in the mean-time.

  7. Your hormone levels are raging, and this is what they are supposed to do at this time!  I found days 10 - 14 the worst and I think I cried for 4 days straight.  Let yourself cry over anything, don't hold it in!  You will feel a mess physically as you've not likely been out of your pyjamas in 2 weeks, you're lucky to grab a shower every second day, probably haven't been taking time to eat very healthy and have not had more than 2 hours sleep at one time in 2 weeks.   Is there any wonder you feel this way!?  

    Is it normal? -- 100% absolutely.

    Will it get better? -- 100% absolutely!!!!

    Over the next few days things will slowly pick up.  Your baby will change every day and things will get easier as you are both more accustomed to each other. Your hormones will calm down and you'll start feeling better.  Make sure to get at least one nap a day of an hour and a half, aim for two if you can.  If your husband/partner is able to, have him do the first feed in the morning and let you sleep in.  If you are breastfeeding, perhaps it's a good time to start expressing so that he can do this for you.  

    When you ask if it is 'post partum' - yes, it is.  The 6 weeks after you give birth is called the post partum period, and your body and mind are recovering from the pregnancy and birth.  If you mean is it post partum depression, I would suspect your doctor will not give you medication at this point in time, because what you are going through should not be classified as PPD yet -- after six weeks if you are still unable to cope with the emotions it's time to think about some anti depressants, but at this point it is wayyyyy to early.  

    Good luck and don't worry - it WILL get better!!

  8. Postpartum. All your hormones are changing and right now,they are all messed up. It should pass. But, I would still mention it to your doctor when you see him.

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