
I just had a panic attack what should i do if it happens again?

by  |  earlier

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when i posted the question earlyer i was told to grab something around me to know i was ok but i didn't think about it in time. what should i do if it happens again?




  1. Hi, I am the author of

    Do not worry, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or people whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you have anxiety.

    Please do visit and post any questions there or here so that I can help you further.

    I have been a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to help. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have just made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

    I started out taking prozac 20mg daily.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am just taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication off my life.

    And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feels to have anxiety or panic attacks.

    I have just posted a new entry and uploaded some good files for you to do some relaxation.

    All the best,


  2. Well, it sounds like you may have to go to the doctor to get prescribed some type of benzodiazepine like klonopin or xanax.  

  3. Sorry to hear that you are having panic attacks - I know from experience how scary they can be.

    You should definitely take deep, slow breaths, but they should be so-called diaphragmatic breaths. This is how you do it: hold one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. When you breathe in, your stomach should go out (expand), and when you breathe out, your stomach should go in (contract).

    This might sound strange as it is the opposite of how most people generally breathe, but you will quickly get into the rhythm and then it will happen automatically (and you won't need your hands). It is how people are taught to breathe when doing yoga or other relaxation techniques, and is a great way to slow down your heart rate & lower your blood pressure.

    Another thing you can do when a panic attack hits you is focus all your attention on a very simple action such as walking on the spot for 10-15 minutes until you stop feeling panicked. Concentrate on pressing each of your feet into the ground, and you will be so focused on that one small thing that you block out the panic attack. If you can lie down with your knees bent and press your feet into a wall one at a time while breathing deeply, that works even better.

    Keep in mind that people don't usually pass out from a panic attack, and that they normally last no more than 10-15 minutes (although it seems much longer!).

    Hope you feel better soon. Good luck!

  4. Sit yourself down so you don't go dizzy and fall over, then take deep breaths. Try to call for someone aswel because if you pass out, it could be dangerous.

  5. Just hold on to anything - literally speaking, "get a grip" until things subside.  It's in your best interest to see a doctor about panic attacks.  They can be controlled.

  6. ~ I cannot see your prev question due to you are on private........but if you are having a panic attack,,,,,try to relax.....take 10 slow breaths,,,,,,,but if you are having these attacks frequently,,,,I would suggest seeing your dr.........I have had these before,,,,all I can do is try to relax ,,take a few deep breaths,,,,,,,,

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