
I just had a reading by a medium and it was really irrelevant to me?

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I'm slightly dissapointed.

They said there was a woman in the spirit world of a large build telling me and my sister (who is meant to have lower back pain) to keep our chins up.

I know of no lady that has passed on, my sisters back is fine.

They also told me of a grave I tended. I've never laid flowers on a grave in my life.

There was nothing relevant to me - no matter how much I twisted it.

I wanted to beleive in these types of things but this totally proved the sceptics right.




  1. I hope you didn't pay this woman anything.  Any good medium can be off base sometimes a little, but I know I don't claim to be a medium, but I have friends that can tell you I've told them very freaky things in advance that made no sense until it happened to them, and either I get very strong pictures in my head or thoughts, or I do not.  If I don't, I let the person know right away.  I also don't "read" people.  They jump out at me and if there's something I feel they need to know, I tell them.  I don't do it for money.  Sometimes, they might be picking up vibes from someone with you, or someone you're even thinking about, but to tell the truth, anyone that wants money from you for it, should be avoided in my opinion.  (Yes, I'm sorry, but even you, Sylvia Brown!)

  2. Don't deal with psychics that have anything to gain from you.  Never pay for a reading, never do a show setting, they will use that to con others by making them think they were right.  Any psychic worth anything is not into making a show out of something so personal.  At best any one who is psychic gets mixed visions and can only tell you what they see and you have to tell  if it applies to you.  

    I can give you a reading just as useless by saying things like I see shoes or clothes on you bedroom floor,  there is a problem with your elbow- knee-eyes,  you need to get your car checked out for a problem.  That is because everyone has the same habits, everybody has a pain somewhere, and most people don't know squat about a car and a mechanic will always find something wrong with it.  

    A real psychic will tell you that your pet hamster is named Bob, or your best friends name is Sally, or you have a Deadhead skull  sticker on your fridge.  Something only you know and to odd to get any other way.

  3. Well, to be honest, she may very well have just gotten you mixed up with someone else, I personally couldn't do reading after reading like they do on those phone psychic things, I need a breather in between, so that I move out the older energy and get myself ready to pick up the new energy....

    but yeah... I'd be doubtful too.

  4. because its a load of rubbish! only sad Americans believe this sort of c**p

  5. I predict my answer is facetious.

    And I'm not a medium - I'm actually a large.

  6. you just picked a bad one thats all....dont give up on believing!  my mum and i go to a spiritualist church often and have seen many mediums.  about 90% of them have been amazing, and tell you things no one else can possibly know, and we havent even said a word, so have not given anything away!  we have seen a couple though who have just been really vague and just seem to be guessing.  there are plenty of frauds out there but some real genuine gems too!

    ask around your friends and family to get a recomendation for another medium and give it another shot - good luck

  7. Well, while it doesn't prove the skeptics right or wrong, your experience doesn't surprise me at all. There's no reason to think that psychics aren't merely working off of their own imagination, or cold reading (or sometimes hot reading when possible). Perhaps your psychic was bad at cold reading, or you weren't giving her the clues.

    If we're trying to explain your bad results here, then one can propose another explanation -  that some psychics are real and you just found a bad one (which is why this experience alone doesn't constitute proof that real psychics don't exist). You could go to a bunch of psychics until you find one that gave you a relevant reading about yourself. But that's like repeatedly throwing the dice and hoping for snake eyes. Eventually it's going to happen, but it will be by chance.

    So to sum up, it's impossible to logically prove a universal negative, though in my opinion there isn't any good reason to think that psychic powers actually exist. I think you're on the right track to be skeptical of psychics.

  8. medium probably referred to her hat size and i bet her dress size was large ..hows that for fortune tellin

  9. Next time you go for any kind of reading, take a growly, nippy little yapper that snarls everytime a fake answer is thrown your way. Best way yet to put the scam artists out of business.

  10. There may be genuine mediums out there

    .... but there are an awful lot of frauds as well. Sorry to here you found one of them. This does not mean that somewhere there is a medium who couldn't give you an acurate reading.

  11. The reason that this was irrelevant to you is because the medium really does not have the truth. Sometimes they will just get lucky and say something that fits but it is just that...luck or rather coincidence. Say enough things to enough people and you will bound to be right on occasion.The only way of truth is through Jesus Christ. I say this in love, realizing that you may not believe this but regardless of what someone might believe, it is still the truth. God  strongly warns us from consulting  spiritists & mediums  for the truth  but to inquire of God (Isaiah 8:19). if those who practiced these arts have any power (beyond being great deceivers), it is not a gift from God (as some falsely claim). Research has shown that occult magic is often fraudulent and deceitful illusion - counterfeit miracles. Many books have been written on this subject. In some instances, occult magic or divination are a manifestation of demonic powers or the result of demon possession (Acts 16:16). Of course, the power of Satan and his demons is extremely limited compared to God's power.

    Clearly, The Bible condemns and forbids these practices several times (Deuteronomy 18:9-14; Isaiah 44:25; Jeremiah 27:9; 2 Kings 21:6; 23:24). Scripture says that one of the reasons King Saul died was "because he consulted a medium for guidance" rather than God (1 Chronicles 10:13-14).

    I hope this helps you see why you found no truth in what you heard. May God bless you in your search and show you His ways. Take care. Susan

  12. Dont give up on the spiritual world just because of some people trying to make money out of it. These so-called 'pshycics' who ask for money are clearly not as in tune with nature or spirituality as would be required for beneficial 'fortune-telling' purely because, in return for their spiritual actions, they wish for a material possession, money.

      They should wish for nothing but spiritual satisfaction from their actions, making their abilities stronger.

      This hasn't proved the sceptics right, it has merely proved the selfish, money-grabbing, fakes wrong. ;)

  13. well she predicted this morning that some on e would give her money for nothing

    enjoy life for what it is and have good people around you!

  14. I am glad you didn't pay! Seems like these Mediums were fakes!!!

  15. what's your question ?

  16. Well there you go! Of course it is nonsense!

  17. Mediums,psychics,clairvoyants all have the same technique.Throw a load of BS on the wall and see how much sticks.Folks that want to will find something on the wall and latch on to it.Open-minded folks will see through the stink cloud.Congratulations,you've seen it for what it is,codswaddle.

  18. Well that's the problem with skeptics, they profess to offer science and then talk about proof a concept not found in scientific inquiry.

    I agree that your reading sounds as if the woman (medium) failed to provide supporting evidence of her claimed abilities in her reading with you.

    What you can conclude is that this woman in this reading failed to provide evidence of her claimed ability.

    It can not be applied to all her readings which would have be examined in total (or a representative sample) to see if her readings exceed chance expectations.

    It also can not be used to exclude the possibility that any other medium may have some psychic abilities.

    Sorry to hear about your less than convincing experience but I have also been to medical doctors and carried my animals to vets that have also been wrong with their diagnosis and I don't think that proves them unqualified to practice, just fallible like the rest of us.


  19. theres tons of fakes out there..

  20. Well there could be a couple of reasons for this.  The first and obvious reason is that they are a fraud.  The second could be that you are an "old soul".  According to Wiccan beliefs, an old soul is someone who has been in the realm of the living many different times.  It's like saying that you had a past life.  Have you ever met someone and just after a little while you felt like you knew them for your entire life?  If so, then it's possible you are an old soul.  I'm Wiccan, but as far as celebrity mediums go, I think they are all frauds.  If I need guidance, I consult my tarot and tea leaves.  If you would really like to know what's going on then get yourself a deck of tarot and read for yourself.

  21. Unfortunately most mediums are frauds.

  22. Congratulations, you did what a person should do.  You didn't allow the medium to probe you for information which would give her hints and you evaluated the information rationally.  But you did try to twist it. (tsk-tsk).  Even that failed, though, so this was a pretty bad medium.  A good cold reader is much more skilled at making things seem like they fit.  Those are the cons you have to watch out for.

    You know where the grave tending came from?  Many people who seek a medium are trying to contact some loved one who has died.  Good guess about the grave, but wrong in your case.

    Sorry you were unable to get what you were hoping for, but these people can't do what they claim.  They are ALL frauds.  Okay people, let's go with the thumbs down, now.

  23. you got owned.

  24. Slightly disappointed??? I would be more than that if she's got a radio show and has been doing this around town. BUT, like some of the others said..she might have been picking  up on someone else. Was anyone with you in the room where you called from ? Had you been with anyone..a family member etc..who has a bad back and who has recently lost someone? I can even see that it might have been the caller before you or the one after you or somebody waiting on the line. Maybe it WAS from a past life...even though I don't know if I believe in reincarnation.  Hope it wasn't a premonition. I don't see any benefit to anyone telling you something you already know..unless it's to comfort you or give you assurance that there really is a spiritual connection to those who have died. ..or to give you good advice(which I'm always leary of). Try to find out if she was right about any of the others. Why don't you call the radio station where she's broadcasting from and tell them that she wasn't right...or tell her. Has your sister had any kidney problems? That would cause lower back pain.  That's all I can think of. Other than that....she's probably a fake..but I wonder how she got a radio show being a fake. Usually they're found out sooner than that. A couple of psychics on here told me some things that were pretty accurate.And they said they were new at it. Maybe you should have emailed one of them instead.

    If you find out it was true...about someone you knew etc..please come back here and tell us. Thanks.

  25. sometimes when a medium is not in tune with you it can seem like he/she is bullshite.  sometimes it is bull.  sometimes it is for real and they are having a bad moment.   a real and good psychic medium would have said, sorry, it is not for me to read you right now and then went on the next readable person.  sorry, for what she did,  it makes us all look bad.  [in her behalf, she might have been seeing a past life].

  26. most mediums are 'charlatans' anyway, theres only 'gifted' people who can do this, & trust me there aren't many.

    plus genuine mediums do not charge, as it is a gift to them , which they may or may not choose to share!!

  27. She may have just been a fake, don't forget it is possible that there are real ones out there, but she might have been cashing on on the cash that they make out of lying.

    If you belive in this stuff, don't give up, carry on, just get a more reputable medium.

  28. I was told that what they tell is not necessarily going to take place now, this moment. It could be in a couple of years even longer.

    Then I suppose they have an answer for everything. Most of what is said is general so it stands to sense that it will happen at some time or other.

    If the medium can tell you or me something no-one but we  know about. Then it would convince me.

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