
I just had a root canal done and the dentist broke a file... ?

by  |  earlier

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Will this cause a lot of extra pain, I am going to see a endontist about it in october...




  1. It shouldn't cause any extra pain. Files breaking are very common. You should be just fine until you see the endodontist.

  2. Oh c**p! Seems like that dentist bearly passed dental school. Files breaking while inside the canal should not occur, dental students get failed if they break them. if he retreived the file you will be fine, what he also could of done was left it in there because it would of been rea difficult to take it out and sealed it to wait for a endodontist to take it out, let me tell you something, if your dentist left it uncovered you have a crappy one. good luck. if you need any more help just email me.

  3. You have a very good question, one most patients don't even consider.  The files are sterile and used to enlarge the already opened, nerve free canal.  Since no bacteria has been allowed to enter the canal by using a sterile file, there shouldn't be an infection issue; the infection is what causes the pain.  

    This is a frequent and annoying occurrence with endodontic files, in some cases a file can actually be left in the canal, but only if it has sealed the canal to the apex.  You should be fine until October when you see an Endodontist.  

    If you do happen to develop pain or swelling, don't hesitate to contact your dentist or the Endodontist who you are scheduled to see in October for an earlier or emergency appointment.

    Additional information:  Glad to be of help.

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