
I just had a sip of gross v8 juice, my stomach feels really bad, ever happened to you? what should I do?

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I just had a sip of gross v8 juice, my stomach feels really bad, ever happened to you? what should I do?




  1. drink a lot of water to dilute it

  2. It may have been spoiled if it was out of the fridge for too long. You also could check the expiration date to see if it is outdated. If you really think it's serious you should see a doctor.

  3. drink water.

    v8 juice is disgusting...ew

  4. Drink a quart of water.

  5. check the experation date

  6. its happened to me i hate that stuff try eating lots of bread to soak it up it should work

  7. I have never been a fan of V8 juice myself either. I just don't like it and it, and other tomato products give me indigestion. It is simply too acidity for me. Supposedly putting a pinch of baking soda in tomato sauce for Italian dishes helps to neutralize that. At least when I do that I don't get the same problem.

  8. I actualy would of chosen v8 fusion that has fruit in it too and not just veg but yes this has happened to me v8 alone is disgusting

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