
I just had an amazing dream about having a baby?

by Guest60906  |  earlier

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PS: I have already posted this, but the responses were all "Don't have s*x" Which I am planning not to have until marriage.

I just had an amazing dream about having a child. It was so realistic! I remember the father (I'm not sure who) taking me to the hospital and everything. Or I'm assuming this person was the father because he was a man and he called me sweetie.

I just was at the hospital and I got to be able to hold my "baby" for the first time. Its so weird I swear I could feel it in my arms. I leaned my head down to hug the baby in my arms, and my nose touched the soft hairs on its head,and then I woke up. But the weird thing is, you know that baby smell. I could smell that. For like 15 minutes awake I could still smell that. Theres nothing in my house like a baby to explain that smell.

Its one of my most vivid dreams, and for some reason I want a baby now. Even though I know realisticly I can't and couldnt take care of a baby at the age of 15.

I'm nt sure, could you help interpert?

(sorry about my horrible spelling)

Oh and the dream had no s*x in it so it was'nt "raging hormones"




  1. In a lot of cultures, having a baby denotes getting rid of trouble in your life. the s*x of the baby tell you a lot, like if the baby was a girl is a symbol of fortunate times coming ahead, but if it's a boy, you might have some trouble ahead.

  2. I asked my mam and she told me that it means being free from something which you have been discomforted of.

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