
I just had an interview for a preschool teacher..?

by  |  earlier

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They want me to come back for an hour and be with the kids to see how I work with them.. Any idea on how I should do this or to show them I want this job???





  1. interact, have patience,be in control, smile and use your inside voice

  2. Just go in and be yourself. Observe all the students. Ask them questions. Like do you need help with that. Are you enjoying your school. Help them to pick up items they have played with. Smile at them. Ask how they are doing. And look at some of the work they have done. Telll them they did a good job. Let the teachers know that you like children and are eager to help them learn.

  3. If you are a teacher then you should know what to do. Just be natural. Get to the children's eye level when speaking to them and ask them open ended questions. Use eye contact and use a good tone with your voice. Also be patient and interact with them

  4. I suggest that you take a few minutes to look at some of the activities in the centers and choose a fairly simple one and then find someone to give a lesson to.  

    When directors are interviewing they want to see how you present information to children, how you interact with them and how you handle yourself in a situation.

    Do not walk up to a child who is concentrating on a task and ask them: "how do you like your school?" or any other such thing.  It shows that you are do are not considerate or respectful of the child's efforts to finish a task.  You may wait patiently until the child is done doing whatever they were working on and then ask your question.  

    Read a story to some of the children, make it animated and interesting.  Be Silly!

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