
I just had my four wisdom teeth out! I need your help.?

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how do i know if the blood clot came out? what would it look like? All i really need to know is what it looks like. Thanks and if you have any other advice for me i would appreciate you yell me,,thanks bye...taylor..

ouch it hurts sooooo bad




  1. OMG, I had the worst experience with this.  I lost a lot of blood.  The blood clot is a large clump of blood, 3 of mine came out.  My mouth was filling with blood constantly.  I could barely talk.

    I recommend you leave the wounds alone for as long as possible, only clean them every 3 hours at a minimum, go for as long as you can.  This will increase the chance a clot will form and prevent the bleeding.  Try to find a cloth you can stick in your mouth so you can relax your jaw on it and prevent the wounds from bumping against anything.  They need to be as left alone to heal as possible.

    * keep the cloth close to the front of your mouth, you don't want to reopen wounds when you change it.  Your mouth is wet, you want to get air on the wounds so a clot forms.

  2. you will feel it hurting really bad, you would then have a dry socket. just follow what the dentist told you and you should be fine. i had my three pulled out in april all at the same time. just relax and get plenty of rest. use ice packs for swelling, this does help. take your meds if needed!

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