
I just had my molar pulled pulled out 2 hrs ago can i smoke what are my chances of it getting infected

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I just had my molar pulled pulled out 2 hrs ago can i smoke what are my chances of it getting infected




  1. Smoking will not necessarily increase your risk of infection, but it will slow down the healing process, so you should not smoke.

  2. Smoking increases the chances of dry sockets.  What I did was put gauze in my mouth, which your problably have anyway, and not suck hard.  Change the gauze immedietly after smoking.

  3. If your molar was on the lower jaw you have a much greater chance of developing a dry socket than if the molar was on your upper jaw.  Not saying you should smoke at all but it really would be best to not do so for 24 hrs.  Avoid alot of bending over and use some gentle rinsing with a mild solution of salt water after 24 hrs.  This comes with 42 years as a practicing dentist.

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