
I just had oral surgery, when can I start smoking again?

by  |  earlier

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Please say soon :)




  1. I used to smoke right after. I would just make sure that I put the cig on my lips on the OPPOSITE side of where the teeth were pulled. That way when you inhale you won't pull out the clot. Also, try to pull in softly and slowly. The main thing is you don't want to pull out the clot.

  2. You should take advantage of this opportunity to quit smoking

    You have a good start to stop smoking

    Just now you need to get yourself in the mood of quiting

    And then gradually you will find yourself out of the smoking circle

    Please look at the positive part of this and do something for yourself

  3. How about never? Why would you want to smoke? We learned this in health class:

    -smoking causes BLACK HAIRY tounges

    -mouth cancer

    -gum disease

    plus kissing a smoker is like l*****g an ash tray...ew =(

  4. 3-4 days is best.. but you should quit

  5. Gross!  Why don't you take this opportunity to quit?  Smoke keeps stitches or other soars from healing.  Don't go back!  End the slavery!

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