
I just had unprotected s*x..what are the chances of me getting pregnant?

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I dont think he c*umed in im okay right?

Also, when should I start feeling symptoms of pregnancy if i am pregnant?

Please dont be rude and tell me to keep my legs closed

Thanks for your time :)




  1. No.  Lots of times a man will release a little s***n during the act.  A friend of mine just had a baby boy that she conceived with this method of birth control.  This is the least effective method.

  2. you obviosuly dont wnat a kid..get up..go to the pharmacy ask for the moning after pill and buy some condoms while your at it.

  3. the chances of you getting pregnant.. are like playing the lotto and winning it, or having someone pull a gun on you.. sorry to say it like that, but it's true.. why would you want to play a game like that?  depends on when you had your period last, but nothing is impossible.. you can get pregnant from pre-c.u.m. so be careful.

  4. 2 words...BIRTH CONTROL!

    And yes, it is possible that you are pregnant even if he didn't ejaculate inside of you. Pre-*** has sperm in it and a guy can't feel pre-*** coming out. It only takes one sperm!

  5. You must be kidding right? anytime you have unprotected s*x you could be pregnant  

  6. Like another responder said, it's a gamble. Some people try and try and try, and can't get pregnant to save their life. Other people have s*x just once, and, BOOM, they're pregnant.

    People can get pregnant even with pre-***. So even if he didn't "officially" *** inside you, you could still get pregnant.

    Some people feel symptoms rather quickly.

    In the future, ALWAYS practice safe s*x. Use condoms and the pill.

    But, for now, go see a clinic. What's the s*x history of the person you had s*x with? You just might want to get checked out anyway.

  7. You can still get pregnant even if he doesn't c'um in you, and there is a big chance that you are pregnant - depending on what part of your menstrual cycle you're on now.  

    But you still might not be, and taking a test is the only know-how way.  Even if you are having "symptoms" a lot of times women think they are, when they aren't.  Some women even get swollen bellies and morning sickness when they think they are.

    You'll have to wait it out and take a test :)

  8. yes, you CAN get pregnant since you had unprotected s*x. Anytime you do, there is a chance. In fact, there is a HIGH chance.. All you can do now is wait it out & get a pregnancy test in a couple weeks. IF you are pregnant, you will start feeling crappy/nasaus/sore b***s in 2-4 weeks. You will know it if you're pregnant by then. If you turn out not to be pregnant, please go get birth control pills/condoms from your local pharmacy/store or planned parenthood. I hope you learned from this experience. Best of luck! <3

  9. 1 in 1

  10. Well the chances are high just because of Pre-***,

    it is way more potent than regular ***.

    It usually takes about 7-10 days for conception so maybe in 5 weeks...

    you should take a pregnancy test even if you get a period...


  11. You had unprotected s*x..  pregnancy is likely.

    It doesnt matter if he finishes in you or not.  Men release pre-seminal fluids during s*x that can contain sperm.. it only takes ONE sperm!

    Most of the first symptoms are PMS-like symptoms... like bloating, tender b*****s, mild cramping, tiredness, etc.. you may notice a slight change from your normal symptoms tho... for example your b*****s may feel more tender, when you normally are crampy.  Most women tho dont ussually know they are pregnant until they miss their period.

  12. anytime u have unprotected s*x and if he uses the pullout method u can get pregnant

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