
I just hate myself so much. How can I get help? I also am being treated for terrible anxiety and depression.?

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I just hate myself so much. How can I get help? I also am being treated for terrible anxiety and depression.?




  1. If your being treated for anxiety and depression that makes me think that you are seeing a therapist.  If thats true, you should already be getting help and if its not working thats either because your not being completely open with your therapist or shes the wrong therapist for you.  There are thousands of therapists and it takes time to find that one person whos going to help you no matter what.  But if Im wrong, and your not currently seeing a therapist, you might consider going.  Depression and anxiety are very serious, so I hope you get help.  Good luck sweetie!!

  2. Take good care of yourself anyway. Eat healthy, exercise, especially aerobic - get some oxygen happening. By taking better care, you are telling yourself you are OK!

    Take a good vitamin B complex - this is good for the nerves and anxiety.

    You may need other vitamins as well.

    Surf the internet for 'alternative treatments'. Lots of good advice there.

    Learn meditation, learn the concept of 'detachment' - that is, you can become really aware of your inner problems, without re-acting to them and you can begin to process and heal them.

    Learn good breathing techniques, this is a great way to reduce anxiety, fear as well.

    'Be Positive' - even if you have to fake it at first (and you will), you can fake it till you make it.

    Don't rely on too much outside yourself to make you feel better about yourself. Then you end up depending on something that can break, change, get taken away, go away  etc.

    You may even have a food allergy. I know if I eat wheat, I will have a negative emotional reaction the next day, that is I get bummed out big time.

    Sounds odd but it's true. Food allergies can and will affect your emotional states.

    Try to cut down on sugar, refined, processed foods.

    And this may sound kind of harsh, but if you and people you know are being treated with pharmaceuticals, don't be too upset if they don't work that well:

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