
I just have to know...?

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I've just heard about a channell in Mexico that is called *igga.

Does anyone know the purpose of this channel? Do the letters spell out something else?

Some one, hep me out....




  1. never heard of it but.... have you heard of this....

    Act 13:1  Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.

    Niger = "black"

  2. You got it wrong is nipper, as in, and its something like Hi 5, is all over tv in here.

    I´ll know than for an African American the word *igga is an insult  most of the times, due to the history of discrimination towards the black people and the cognitations that envolves that.

    But it really is only a colour in Latin, there was two types , the vulgar latin (*egro) and the cult latin (niger).  in spanish *egro still how we call the colour,...If  you ever read the lyrics of an Opera called Carmina Burana, in some part the word niger appears a lot, saying something like  bibit niger , bibit Albus, (drink Black , drink White) .

    I think my point is that  in other parts of the world the word niger or *egro is  not an insult, since there is not the history behind it,  and if somebody use that out side the USA, don´t think that they are trying to insult the African americans, they are simply saying a colour.

    I have a friend that comes from Cali Colombia he is Black, and we knickname  him *egro, he loves it and even he´s e-mail adress stars with "El *egro" since he´s proud of the colour..but thats because here is only a colour...not insult intended whenever the word comes out.

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