
I just heard from a friend that the reason Justine Henin retire is because she is really older than 25, she?

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lied about her age before so she can play this true? Does she look 25?




  1. I heard she'd been using Steroids and got tired of using it to make money.

  2. man her retirement gave me a huge shock cos on the womens side she is my favourite.

    as for her age ahe is 25 and i am quite sure about it.

    i dont think she lied about her age.

    she has quit because of mental burnout and lack of emotion for the game.

    i dont think the claim that she lied about her age is true.

    its just that these people have to live independently and take on so many challenges that maybe gives them a weathered look.

    look at federer only he does look quite old but he i dont think has lied about his age.

  3. I don't believe that. She said herself that she was retiring because she had achieved all of her immediate goals, and that she thought 17 million dollars was enough for her. Good on her I say, for having the strength to do what she wants. I hope she has a great life, she deserves it.

  4. Isn't it quite common for athletes to simply lose heart and lose spirit? Her choice of career is a consuming one, I think that it is unsurprising that she simply left it. People could sort of see it coming, i think. First the Australian open when unfortunately she was simply outplayed, then against Williams, before eventually she was ousted by some relatively unknown player, she was on a downward path.

  5. she really is 25

  6. I haven't heard that one before.

  7. I don't know but I had a crush on her for years. Her body is cute and fast. OK< Maria's body is great too, I like tall and lanky. Justine was an exception and I just like her looks.

  8. If Ivan Ljubicic is 29 than she sure is 25.

  9. That is weird. I believe she retired bec of the reasons she stated.

  10. Justine is probably the best player on the back hand side ....she has retired just because of burn out since the tennis schedule is killing and with the extinction of players of her kind ...its becoming a power game which is taking a toll on players....

  11. She probably is 25, just burnt out like what happened to a lot of them who started young like Austin & Jaeger.

  12. I also heard that your friend is senile

  13. that has got to be the most random,absurd,unfounded statement having been made. as said,she started playing as a pro when she was 15 or 16....not to mention the former years she played on the junior and ITF circuit. why would she have to lie,when,at the time,they were still allowing these teenagers to play as a pros a consistent basis? now girls younger than 17 have a restricted schedule on the pro level. but then they didn't have that rule yet.

  14. We have to respect the decision Justine made because that it was she said...i believe her and thats final....

  15. The USA columnist that spoke on NPR this morning said it was because Ms. Henin has been playing professionally since age 15, for ten years, and she really hasn't taken much time off.  It's pretty typical of tennis players to burn quick like that.  She hasn't been on dates or had much of an adolescence/young adulthood.  I disagree she lied about her age, or else that columnist would have mentioned it.

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