
I just heard that the military uses 153 million gals of gas a month at our prices here anyone?

by  |  earlier

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know how much that adds up to be do some math ive been tell evryone that where our gas is going so high now there proof




  1. So what's your point?  You think they get it for free?  The cost for the gas comes out of the budget that the government allots for military operations each year.  The military is affected by the rising costs of fuel just as much as the public is.  More and more of the defense budget has to go for fuel and less for the other needs of the military.  They've got a budget just like anyone else.

    Do you want our military to be crippled and inoperative because of a lack of fuel to operate?

    You're a bigger fool than you sound, if that's what you are promoting.

  2. the military does use the most fuel out of anyone else in this country. so if the war stops maybe we can stop being stupid with gas and diesel prices

  3. The trouble with figures is deciphering the way they are calculated and the sometimes inconsistency in what is or isn't included in comparison tables year on year.

    Any one that thinks they can work it out can trawl through the on line pages of the annual 'Federal Fleet Reports'. This has a mass on info. on US depts. vehicle ownership, hire, etc etc.

    Ironically, looking at military use it 'appears' ( ? ) that in 1979 the military used 79 million gallons of fuel of which 26 million was diesel but in 2005/2006 this was reduced to 72 million ( 72,048,548 ) of which 17 ( 17,495,230 ) million was diesel... plus approx 6,059,981 gallons of BioDiesel ) .. The Pentagon dept. appears to be the worlds largest oil consumer with ( 2006 FFRpt figures of 320,000 barrels per day down from 360,000 the previous year but costs went sky high and virtually doubled !!! ) What the figures do not show is that the US military also had fuel supplied at no cost by Kuwait during the Iraq war and at a 'nominal' cost post the war. Now I ain't no mathematician and the figures in the reports are mind boggling and difficult to analyse but it sure is a lot of $'s.

    Edit: In the USA 1 gallon = 3.8 ltres. In the Uk I gallon = 4.5 ltres. I Barrel = 42 USA gallons .. all of which depending upon which side of the pond you are also adds to the confusion.

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