
I just installed linksys wireless card on my daughters computer?

by Guest33904  |  earlier

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but it doesnt pick up signals, and i know there is one nearby..what's wrong?




  1. we installed a Linksys wireless router and had problems also if you can Linksys they will work you though the set-up there a great company to work with and it won't cost you a thing.

    Good look babe.

  2. Could you by any chance give a little less information ?

    It's hard to help you when you give no information at all. What drivers are used, is the card connected correctly, did windows recognize it ? etc etc

  3. there could be interference from other devices.  I had to get a new cordless phone for the house because the one we had was on the same frequence (2.4 ghz) as my wireless network.  could also be that your card is not installed properly.  the signal you are sure is nearby might be too far away or it might just be a defective card. I have heard lots of complaints about these cards especially Linksys.

  4. When you say you know there is one nearby do you mean you have your own wireless router or access point or are you trying to tap into one in the area?

  5. Linksys is one of the biggest PC problems ever.  I have one and the problems never end.

    Sometimes i can figure it out and sometime you need to call.

    If you have Windows Vista make sure File Sharing, and Network sharing is on under Control Panel.

    Look at all the Network Sharing options under Control panel and experiment.

    Also you might need to driver for the wireless card.  If it came with a CD use it and if it didnt, call or try to find one.

  6. I Would call the company for technical support. they are very helpful. here is the number- (800) 326-7114. There are also other ways of getting support, by going to the website listed below:

  7. The same thing is happening to me!!!

    I HATE LINSYS!!!  it is BAD BAD

  8. if the software came with it's own scaning software try disable that and use windows wirless scanner

    dont know if it will work thow. but it worked 4 me on a belkin 54g

  9. Is the antenna on?  Also, are the networks you know of secured? If they are, you can't connect anyway.

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