
I just joined a hip hop dance class and every student besides me is a girl! i feel weird why?

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I just joined a hip hop dance class and every student besides me is a girl! i feel weird why?




  1. ofcoarse you going to feel wierd because it isn't what you expected but there are some perks as well.Look at it this way at almost any dance studio you will ever go to there is not going to be a dance class with more than three boys. most guys just don't like to dance! But if one of the girls is looking for a guy to date then you'll be her first person to go to. I know being a dancer that I love a guy I can dance with!

  2. Jackpot.

  3. you probably feel weird beacuse you're not used to the idea of having only girls around you, and you might feel uncomfortable. but honestly, there's nothing to worry about. once you get used to it you'll loosen up. it's usual if you're the only guy, or one of a FEW guys in a dance class.

    if it keeps on bothering you, try to find a studio with a BOYS hip-hop class. you'll probably like it better. my studio has one, and it turned out great!

    hope this helps

  4. Okay forqet about it dunnoo qet the feelinq out of your mindd.

  5. I think it`s because you feel intimidated that they will do better than you, and are embarrassed to show your mistakes. Try changing your mind set and don`t put a gender thinking into it. Put yourself in as an equal there to learn just like them. Have them help you through this, and try to help them as well.

    Go there to have fun, once you focus on trying to do well, you`ll forget about the gender problem. The longer you stick with it the easier it will be. Good luck!

  6. they are trying to impress u. Forget about it. When u get older things start to change. Relax take it easy.


  7. thats cool a guy being in dance

  8. sure u wrote M in the dance class form ....just kidding..!!

    well u need not feel "weird" ...... i think ur name was put late into the classes and the boys batch was out of seats....but hey .......what else would u need ..!!

    wish i had been in a similar class..... lucky u..!!

    dont worry man..... atleast u wont feel nervous or something like that afterwards if u have to dance with a girl...........

    if u still feel weird, tell ur teacher to change ur batch................


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