
I just joined the GSA in school. . . what do you do there?

by  |  earlier

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i joint and said i was "straight" , how they bought that i will never know




  1. You talk g*y people & talk about equal rights & blah blah blah.

    Just a big GLBT get together.

  2. i guess u share stories with ppl etc

  3. lmao.... yeah I've done that and it sucks but you can always come out of the closet when you feel more comfortable. I'm sure your leader knows that you are g*y but doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. :)

  4. Its a place for g**s to learn that some straits are supportive , and straits get to learn that g**s are not after them for s*x and seduction . Yes-  you can just hang out with g**s , and God will not open an earthquake crack under your chair .  

  5. "how they bought that i will never know" haha lmao =D

  6. What's the "GSA"?

    Sorry, is it an American thing? I'm from Australia so we may not have this mystery "GSA"...!

  7. HAhaha. I feel the same way. After summer I came back to school having super straight hair and a lot lighter... like chestnut color hair.( The chemicals when I straightened my hair also lightened it but I liek the new color) And I changed the way I dress now I am really prep and dress really well differently. How some people still think I am straight blows my mind.

    I don't know what you do at GSA because I have never joined my schools because its a "Freshmen" and "Sophomore" thing and it really doesn't do much. The irony is that this is in San Francisco. LOL

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