
I just joined yahoo's group, "freecycle"-help me with it please?!?!?!?!?1?

by  |  earlier

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I just joined freecycle and want to get and give stuff for free. It says i joined a group for my sounty,but how do you find the free stuff? I was told that you pick up free stuff from people in your neighborhood or county. I can't figure out how to do anything other than get e-mails from yahoo saying I joined!





  1. Sometimes it takes a while for the mail to start coming in. A lot of people don't post until the weekends, or your local freecycle may have guidelines as to what is allowed when, like only offers allowed during the week, and wants during the weekend.

    If you have something to give away, why not post it there to offer? That way you will see you are getting mail from that group, and get rid of something at the same time!

    Also, some FreeCycle groups moderate members, so don't fret if it takes a while for your messages to go through.

    If all else fails, write and ask the mod of the group. Good luck!

  2. why not post this question to that group???

  3. there isn't just 1 freecycle group - there's a freecycle group for most towns and districts. make sure you've joined the right group for you (should be a link in the e-mail, eg[yourfreecyclegroup] ).

    in the yahoo group is all the posts of your area, for items wanted and items offered - when you're a member of the freecycle group, you'll be able to browse and search through these, and post your own (within the freecycle guidelines-  which should have been sent to you if you joined a freecycle group)

  4. Go to the home page of your local Freecycle group. If you are logged into your Yahoo account, you should see a list of the offers and wanteds.

    If you see something you are interested in, click on that post. Once the message comes up, hit the "reply" button. Tell them that you are interested in their item (or that you have something they want, as the case may be).

    Remember to be polite - the giver may have several people interested, and a "I've been looking for x for ages, I'd love to get yours" gets a much better response that "Gimme!"

    If you are not getting any emails, check on your account status (home page of group, kind of in the upper left, My Account). You may have set yourself to "no mail."


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