
I just kicked my bf in the balls and he says something is wrong?

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I just kicked my bf in the balls and he says something is wrong?




  1. mg. y. do you think thats funny. It freakn hurts. And if you kicked him hard enough he may not be able to have kids. You suck.

  2. your insane! never kick a guy in the balls.

    bring him to the doctor/hospital quick!

  3. Don't do that. You can damage a boy for life. I mean you could make him where he can't have kids

  4. Ok, you're playing a game.  I thought you were for real until I went back and read some of your questions.  Sometimes you pretend to be a girl, but one question busted you:

    This one:

    Girls what is a baret?

    It would be good to include a picture?

    Oh, and THIS one:

    How can I wish my crush a happy birthday?

    Im a sophomore guy in a small high school and this year I met this girl in my grade...

    And this one (what 15 year old girl bench presses 85 lbs?)

    Benching problems?

    Ok, Im fifteen years old and now I realize bench pressing is the best way to gain muscle in the chest as well as the triceps and alterior deltiod(front shoulder muscles) but I am stuck on 85 pounds.

    And this one:

    Have any of you guys noticed that this is what makes someone like you?

    Here's a GOOD one:

    Girls? What does it mean when my girlfriend rubs me all over?

       I guess I do have alot of pretty big but mostly lean muscle. Is that why? I didnt think she would act like this at first.

    How pathetic you are, pretending to be a girl in some of your questions!  Talk about being a LOSER!  Now everyone will laugh at you!


  5. im sure it was an accident, ive wrestled with my bf and kneed him by accident. if it continues to hurt after a few days he should see a doctor. he may feel like somethings wrong if you kicked him REALLY hard. give it time to see if it gets any better. tell him i said feel better :(

  6. Wow, are you crazy? You don't know how much that hurts. You can damage him for life like that. He might not be able to have kids now. Massage it and suck it to make it feel better, try using hand cream to massage it or something.

  7. You idiot!

    I hope you dont want children!

    Maybe one might have gone back into his body!

  8. I think he should have slapped the S*** out of you....*****

  9. *with heavy sarcasm*


    Its about time women fought back against the opression of men...every woman around the world kick your man in the balls

    *end sarcasm*

    What the h**l were you thinking? If you were bored, ask him to kick you in your womb or go to a middle eastern countries and investigate genital mutilation

    you better apologise to him if he doesnt dump you

  10. He needs to see a doctor to make sure every thing is all right. I assume you kicked him by accident (you better have!), so be more careful next time. WAY more careful. You could permantly damage him.

  11. If it was an accident that is one think if intentional it's assault.  Either way he should go to a doctor to have it checked.  

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