
I just lost my job.....a job in which was the reason I had to take prozac. Is there any recourse I can take?

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This job was the reason I had to be put on anti depressants. Is there any actioan I can take now against them?




  1. No. Not unless you were specifically discriminated against for age, race, disability or something legitimate like that. You can be fired for any reason the employer sees fit. Because you couldn't handle the stress of your job and needed medication is not their problem, it's yours. If you couldn't handle it, you could have quit if it was so taxing on your nerves that you actually required Prozac. I work for employment discrimination attorneys, there is no recourse. Besides the fact that every body and their mother is on anti-anxiety/depression medication these days, it's not a big deal.  

  2. Now you can find a job that doesn't depress you. You're free to do what you want. Why even stay at a job that made your life a living h**l.

  3. well, probably not, unless they knew that you were taking prozac and why, and didn't make any accomodation for that.  If that is the case, you can take it up with employment security for termination without due process or rightful cause.

  4. Sue for discrimination

  5. Probably not. Nobody was forcing you to work there. If it was that stressful, you could have quit and found a new job. No job can force you to take anti-depressants, it was obviously a decision you made on your own (or with your doctor). Believe me, I know all about stressful jobs. I went on anti-depressants because I was stressed out from work, and it turned into anxiety. But there were other factors in my life that caused the be honest with yourself. Jobs can be stressful, but it's how YOU handle the stress that matters. Sorry you lost your job, but there's probably no legal action you can take against the company.

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