
I just love babies?

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I am 14 years old and all of a sudden I am all about babies. I have two one year old cousins Lola and Chloe and a 3week old cousin Lillian and I love to be with them and play with them and hold them.

When my cousins bring Lola over I always steal her from them (with their permission of course) and play "mommy" to her. I even fed her my plate of food and don't grown when asked to change her diaper or wipe her snotty nose.

Sometimes I even ache for my own baby to care for. Is this normal?




  1. Oh yeah it's totally normal.  All girls have some sort of maternal instinct.  But the bottom line is, your cousins go home at the end of the day.  At 14 you are not physically, emotionally, or financially equipped to make a family of your own.  So even though it is fun to nurture and care for a child, you simply shouldn't get to carried away with the idea without getting more information.  Take a parenting class in school, most high schools offer them.

  2. Yes it's completely normal. I'm seventeen and the one thing that I know about my future family is that I want kids. I have always loved kids, and it doesn't help that I have several adorable cousins, not to mention a niece (techinically a first cousin once removed, but my cousin and I always said that the other's kids would call us "Auntie") on the way.

    That being said, I'm only seventeen, and I know I'm not ready to raise a kid, so I will wait until I am completely ready, and for me that means out of college and med school.

    Waiting will mean that you are that much happier when your baby comes, and will more likely be an amazing mom when the time comes.

  3. My living niece was born when I was 14, nephew when I was 16 and I was just the same as you. Those kids were all over me and I loved it. My sister in law would say she couldnt tell which one was the kid.

    Wait to have your own though. Youve got at least another 10 years. You could volunteer at a daycare or playground in the meantime.

  4. yes it's normal.  I have wanted to be a mom my whole life.  But I'm so glad that i waited til I found a guy who would make the perfect daddy, finished college, got married, and then had kids.  Had I had a baby in high school my life wouldn't be that great.  It's worth the wait!!!!  I get to stay home and be a full time mommy and really enjoy my kids.  If I hadn't waited, I wouldn't have had money and would have had to struggle...wait and you'll get to enjoy every minute of it.

  5. When I was your age I was fantasizing about babies all the time. I thought about giving birth and being a mother. I literally was 'craving' a baby.

    What you are feeling is perfectly normal. You can start preparing yourself for motherhood by baby sitting your cousins.

    I waited until now-- I am currently expecting my first at age 26. It was hard to wait this long, but I wanted to get my education and find the right man to raise my children with. I know that I am going to be a great mom now, and that I wouldn't have been ready at age 14.

    But what you are feeling is totally normal-- it just means your hormones are kicking in and that you are a nurturing person.

  6. At that age I wasn't thinking about having  kids, but then again I wasn't around any either.

  7. You are 14.  You have no husband. No job. You are not mature enough, emotinally, spiritually, financially to have a baby. You are simply not mature. So, NO NO NO to babies for your at your age. You are still a baby yourself. Babies having babies. How ridiculous.
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