
I just love the BBC. What can I do to help preserve its status.??

by  |  earlier

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I just love BBC 2 progs.

And I love Radio 4

And Radio 2

And 6 Music

Oh and I love 5 Live

And the website - it's has so much. (I can learn Spanish online)

Apart from support it by using it - What can I do to make sure the BBC remains as it is?




  1. I would rather not have it and save the licence fee but in this so called free society I have to buy the BBC.

  2. Love the BBC but really they should do something about Saturday night TV, it used to be so enjoyable, now, it`s just as bad as all the other channels including SKY

  3. if your good with using the media, and watching a lot of tv, why not do a course that will enter u in the bbc tv world lol/.

  4. Unless you're rich, famous & powerful, you can do absolutely nothing!

  5. you could always pay my tv licence as I dont pay it at the moment haaaa haaa

  6. get them  to drop the tv licence

  7. Give it to Damien Hurst.

  8. I would love to see aunty put in mothballs forever, it is total pants and a waste of money.

  9. I dont know what to say really - I hate the BBC and all that goes with it and having to buy a license really incenses me I am glad you are happy with it but spare a thought for those that are not

  10. This is a joke isn't it ? support it,you could pay my licence fee.

  11. Pay your licence fee!  No, I don't work for the BBC...

    Seriously, I think you need to chill a bit.

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