
I just made a powerpoint about rats and my mom said maybe!!!!?

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but she said i have tooooo many pets right now but that doesn't mean that im going to kill them....

she said that i need to just start doing stuff to help

and that its not going to be just help for a couple of weeks i will take a while i am so happy!

so i have all summer break to show her basically and im sure, not to be mean but my goldfish are only suppost to live for a month and my hermit crab was abused and i got him yesterday but he wasn't in good shape but i want to keep him forever he is already showing me how smart he is

all i have is 2 birds parakeets that are almost a year old

2 gold fish 2 weeks old

1 hermit crab 2 days old

so now i just need to help out around the house

man i was soooo nearvous to even show her because she usually say's no right away my stomac was all feeling wierd but im soooo happy now do you think i will get it???




  1. Well, as long as you take care of your pets and help around and still have time then yeah, you'll probably get it. Keep in mind that you need to buy food, a cage, and toys for the rat.

  2. I am a former Rat owner (and a big fan of them too).  I do not have one now because I do not think I can give it the time and attention it needs.  In order to have a good relationship with your Rat you need to give it a lot of care when it is a baby so it will be your pal as an adult (we're talking a short time here).

    I carried my baby in a shirt pocket and fed her kibble in there so she was very used to being around me.

  3. I had a hard time convincing my parents to let my have a rat, I have a golden retriever, wiener dog, cat, and two gerbils but i just showed her a video of a rat laughing and videos of them showing how smart they are and she said okay! just try to find her weakness whether it's Strong, smarts, cuteness, cleanliness, etc...

    hope this helps

  4. I have 2 gerbils, (a  rodent as well) let me tell you, they take alot of work. Try to keep up with the cage it will stink alot. Also, you might need to get an excersising ball 4 it! I hope you get one, and if you do enjoy! =D

      - Meally

  5. Maybe if you do what your mom tells you to. I have a rat and they are wonderful pets. They say you should get two because they are very iteractive. I only have one because when I got her she was the last rat left and she is old so I dont know how well she would like another rat. But any way I would get a younger rat cause I heard they are easier to train to do tricks and stuff.  Good luck.

    Also Rats dont smell!!! Thats a good thing they are probablly the best smelling rodent. And you can teach them to use a litter box.

  6. show her cute youtube videos of rats and read nice things about them to her

    thats great if she lets you!  rats are wonderfuL! but there is much to know about them so you can take care of them properly and give them happy fulfilling lives. and you have to get two! they are so socail and will get so lonely if you only haev one. and having two does not take that much more work than if you wer to only get one. do your homework about rats before getting them here is a nice website you should read... it is just the basics but it is helpful still

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