
I just moved into a house that has a bat or 2 lurking around. is there anything that can deter them from my ..

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house? i have seen them and found their droppings before i moved in. i know people say they are benificial but i dont want them in my house. please give me some suggestions..thank you very much!!




  1. I would call animal control.  Several bats have rabies.  The center of disease control may even get involved. They will test the bat for rabies, and If you have any other animals in the house, they may want to see a rabies vaccination certificate for the animal, if the bat was rabid.

  2. SB is spot on. Find where they are getting in. Wait until they leave for the night and seal up the hole. Here is some more info:

    For assistance with"bat-proofing" your home, contact an animal-control or wildlife conservation agency. If you choose to do the "bat-proofing" yourself, here are some suggestions. Carefully examine your home for holes that might allow bats entry into your living quarters. Any openings larger than a quarter-inch by a half-inch should be caulked. Use window screens, chimney caps, and draft-guards beneath doors to attics, fill electrical and plumbing holes with stainless steel wool or caulking, and ensure that all doors to the outside close tightly.

    Additional "bat-proofing" can prevent bats from roosting in attics or buildings by covering outside entry points. Observe where the bats exit at dusk and exclude them by loosely hanging clear plastic sheeting or bird netting over these areas. Bats can crawl out and leave, but cannot re-enter. After the bats have been excluded, the openings can be permanently sealed. For more information about "bat-proofing" your home, contact Bat Conservation International.

    Things To Remember When "Bat-Proofing"

    During summer, many young bats are unable to fly. If you exclude adult bats during this time, the young may be trapped inside and die or make their way into living quarters. Thus, if possible, avoid exclusion from May through August.

    Most bats leave in the fall or winter to hibernate, so these are the best times to "bat-proof" your home.

  3. There are many ways. like a guy said before me you seal up there holes and give them a bat box and theyll still eat the insects. then theres a different method a little less work but the bugs will come back u take a stereo and put on loud music every night untill they leave if u do taht u might wanna put in earplugs if u wanna sleep or move out. there are also many other ways to ge them gone.

  4. Well if you are determined to rid yourself of them

    Get a tennis racket, and have some fun!

  5. find where they're getting into your home and seal up the hole.  then get an approved bat-house and put it on a vertical surface near your home, hopefully they will adopt this new home instead of finding a new way inside your home. bats are in fact beneficial, because they will eat their own body weight in insects every day....

  6. the ultrasonic devices used to scare off rats and mice are very effective on bats because of their sonar navigation. u can get them cheap at Home Depot or any similar store

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