
I just moved into a new apartment with my 2 female cats 1 fixed {puss}1 not{ LUna} ......?

by  |  earlier

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about 3 days ago LUNA must have seen a stray cat by the window she did high pitched squeal then attacked my other cat we kept them apart for a couple hours then they were fine , last night that stray cat was out side with another cat making high pitch noises cat couldn't even see that cat but must of heard the noises n went psycho looking for my other cat 2 attack her ..what should i do every time luna see"s the other cat she flips & i have a 3month old baby i cant risk them fighting n maby getting the baby when shes in her swing i was thinking about getting luna fixed but I'm not sure if it will help shes 1 1/2 year old ....before all this she was fine the nicest cat help!




  1. Spaying Luna will definitely be good for her.  Unspayed cats are at risk of not only pregnancy (they can and will escape) but also of developing diseases and infections of the reproductive tract. As for the issue with the other cat, Luna sounds territorial and having her spayed may or may not fix that. You can try using a Feliway diffuser which releases calming pheromones into the air. These have worked wonders with territorial cats and would definitely be worth a try. Try catching the strays and turn them over to a shelter. Cats roaming around like that run risk of catching and spreading diseases, being hurt or killed by predators, dogs, or mean people, or of being hit by cars. They would fare much better at a shelter where they might find a home and at least will get a meal and safe shelter.

  2. noises your cat is not used to can scare them very easily

  3. Yes Luna needs to be fixed and yes it will help. The reason she is acting that way is because she wants that male cat cause she is in heat

  4. Luna needs spayed ASAP!!!!!!!!!  

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