
I just moved into a new apt. and the guest bathroom smells like pee! What will remove that smell?

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I mopped the floor and cleaned in there but it still smells, any ideas?




  1. Spray every surface you can reach with vinegar.  It will wreak, but the pee smell will be gone once the vinegar smell dissepates.

  2. Try will get everything out of anything

  3. if there's any windows, open 'em! bleach the s*** out of it! maybe an air freshener as well

  4. there are a lot of suggestions like u better change ur apartment or closed the guest room or put cotton in your nose or try to get familiar with the smell and soon u will start liking it ummmm and and yes u also start peeing it once ur pee smell mix with the one come from the room then u will have no objection as it is ur own pee


  5. try going to the store and getting a cleanser with a pet deodorizer. it could be that there was an animal who used the room as it's personal bathroom. also, if there's any carpet, consider getting it professionally cleaned.

  6. You could try baking soda mixed with water. Baking soda is great for absorbing odors. Good luck!

  7. Clean around the toilet with a paper towel and clorox cleanup....even digging in between the bottom of toilet and floor (thats where most smells like that come from) with the paper towel.  Yes you will get gross stuff on your paper towel but at least it will be clean.  And always clean all sides of the toilet down at the bottom too where its hard to reach.  Also if you have rugs in the bathroom...wash them in washing machine.


  9. Contact the landlord and ask them to please get the smell out.  You didn't contract for a stinky bathroom, and it shouldn't be your responsibility.

  10. if there is carpet or rug, remove it and throw it away.  clean with a good cleaner like Lysol or Mr. Clean

  11. I used to work in the management office of several properties in the apartment business.  It is not up to you to fix the problem!  It could be under the tile or carpet.  It's even possible that someone kept their pet in there when they were away.  I would ask them to please replace the tile and clean that bathroom until the smell is gone.  Good luck!

  12. umm, try baking soda and lemon juice. baking soda kills the smell and lemon juice makes it smell pretty.

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