
I just moved into a newly built house with a Natural Gas fireplace and the builders left the pilot light on?

by  |  earlier

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Since its summer here, should I turn the pilot light off ?

Someone said I should leave it on for a couple of days at the beginning, but I'm not sure why ?




  1. it stays on if you turn it off make sure the gas valve is off also you will smell gas

  2. Many recommend just leaving it on all year. My builder did. The argument is that dust, spider webs or what ever will build up over the summer and then require a maintenance call back in the fall. I don't think it uses much energy and doesn't put out any perceptible heat.

    I have turned mine off during summer but quite frankly haven't thought about it this year nor last year.

  3. Can`t disagree with the answers so far.

    To turn it off is more trouble than it`s worth, You would only save a tiny bit of energy.

  4. Leaving the pilot light burn, will keep moisture out of your burners, and will stop any rust from forming: rust that might eventually clog burner ports. The miniscule amount of natural gas used won't cost very much, and could keep other problems from occuring.

  5. Leaving it on will cost $6-$10 per month. It will keep the unit free from dust and moisture, but honestly I tell people if they want to turn it off to go ahead. They're really not hard to re-light.

  6. no big deal to let it run. it doesnt use hardly any gas. also when you need it you don;t want to have to waste time relighting the pilot

  7. it should always run...if you turn out the pilot light, you may have a h**l of a job relighting that bad boy...

    it uses next to no gas don't mess

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